INFORMS Open Forum

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017-Houston October, 2017- session on Goal Programming

  • 1.  INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017-Houston October, 2017- session on Goal Programming

    Posted 03-30-2017 03:11
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    Hi All,

    I am pleased to inform you that we are organising a session under MCDM cluster on " Goal Programming". We are seeking presenters from around the World to present their findings, experiences, and viewpoints on Goal Programming and its applications.

    What is your experience with goal programming as a multi-criteria decision making tool? How have you implemented the goal programming algorithm in a spreadsheet like excel? What is your experience with teaching GP as a topic in OR/MS? What utility do you think they will find on the job for their knowledge base and skill sets in GP? and various questions as you may deem fit to ask and answer through your experience, survey ( if any).

    Please do write to us and use the attached pdf on abstract submission guidelines for entering your contributions.

    Looking forward to your participation



    Nilakantan Narasinganallur
    Associate Professor - Quantitative Methods
    K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research
