INFORMS Open Forum

2021 INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Competition

  • 1.  2021 INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Competition

    Posted 04-19-2021 19:07
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    INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research 2021 Best Paper Award
    Call for Submissions

    The INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research (PSOR) Best Paper Award, sponsored by the PSOR Section, recognizes research judged to be of the best quality in all of the disciplines and application areas represented within PSOR. Through this competition, PSOR seeks to build a tradition of scholarly exchange of knowledge of public policy, programs, safety, service, and needs within the entire INFORMS community.  

    Subject to receiving qualified submissions, the Best Paper Award winner will receive a plaque and a $200 honorarium. One or two Honorable Mentions may also be awarded depending on the number of qualified submissions. All finalists will be notified prior to the 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting. The award recipient(s) will be announced at the PSOR Business Meeting during the INFORMS Annual Meeting.


    To be eligible for the award, a complete entry must be submitted by July 4th, 2021 (11:59 PM EST) to:

    1. The entrant should visit to fill out the form and,
    2. Upload the required documents (cover letter and full paper) to 

    A complete entry consists of:

    1. A brief cover letter (at most 1 page) explaining the paper's relevance and significance to public sector operations and confirming the submitting author is a PSOR member. The letter should include the names, titles, affiliations and email addresses of all coauthors. The cover letter filename should be "yourFirstNameLastNameSchool_coverLetter". If practical impact is claimed for the research, it is advised to also submit another letter from a practitioner (please attach this letter to the cover letter and submit one pdf), preferably not a coauthor of the work, attesting to its practical value.
    2. A full paper (at most 32 pages, excluding the appendix), laid out using the formatting standards of a major INFORMS journal (e.g., Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Operations Research). Nowhere in the paper should it contain the names or affiliations of its coauthor(s). The filename of the paper should be "yourFirstNameLastNameSchool_paper".
    3. The submission can be a working paper or a paper under review but cannot be published (or accepted for publication) at the time of submission. In addition, the corresponding author must be a member of the INFORMS PSOR Section at the time of submission.

    For more information and details on past winners, visit the PSOR website:


    Any inquiries can be made to the co-chairs of the 2021 competition:

    Somya Singhvi                                                               Yanchong Zheng

    Assistant Professor                                                        Associate Professor

    USC Marshall School of Business                                 MIT Sloan School of Management                                  

    Somya Singhvi
    USC Marshall School of Business
    Los Angeles CA