INFORMS Open Forum

What's Your StORy? December 2015

  • 1.  What's Your StORy? December 2015

    Posted 12-07-2015 12:45

    Read the December "What's Your StORy?" to learn more about INFORMS member, and newly-inducted Fellow, Gerard Cachon.

    Enjoy the Q&A below and feel free to ask more questions on this thread. If you are interested in participating, please contact me or Mary Leszczynski (mary.leszczynski@...). We hope you've enjoyed a year of getting to know your fellow members! Happy holidays to all!

    What's Your StORy?

    Gerard Cachon
    Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, University of Pennsylvania

    INFORMS member since at least 1994, and Class of 2015 INFORMS Fellow

    What interest do you have outside of work that might surprise us?
    Diving and underwater photography

    Tell us about your role as editor-in-chief and how it has impacted your career.
    My job as editor was to set the strategic direction for the journal and to manage day-to-day operations, with the former being much more interesting than the latter. The best part of being editor of a broad interest journal like Management Science is that it enabled me to meet scholars from many disciplines beyond my own.

    What has been your best INFORMS experience?
    My first time/paper with Management Science.

    If we were sitting here a year from now celebrating what a great year it's been for you, what would we be celebrating?
    Academic job offers for my PhD students.

    What is something you learned in the last week?
    Some Republican presidential candidates are even more stupid, ridiculous, and dangerous than I thought.

    What is the best advice you can give to students in your field?
    Pick another field. One with big, important problems, like economics, or computer science, or climate science.

    Tell us something that not many people know about you.
    I can’t speak French, I have perfected the art of cooking black beans, and shouldn’t always be taken seriously.

    Kara Tucker
    Production Editor/Marketing Content Specialist
    Catonsville MD