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Announcement for INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award Competition

  • 1.  Announcement for INFORMS Service Science Section Best Student Paper Award Competition

    Posted 06-01-2015 10:57
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    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: MSOM Society and Service Science Section .

    INFORMS Service Science Section
    Best Student Paper Award Competition
     (Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2015)

    The INFORMS Service Science Section announces the 2015 Best Student Paper Award to recognize excellence among its student members.
    The INFORMS Service Science Section promotes and disseminates research and applications among professionals interested in theory, methodologies, and applications in Service Science. The Section provides a forum to exchange new ideas in Service Science.  
    From among nominated student research papers, a panel of Service Science Section leaders will choose a pool of student finalists for the Best Student Paper Award. These students will be invited to present their research findings in front of a panel of judges on the Sunday of INFORMS Philadelphia Conference [Students must present their research in this session to qualify for an award.] The judging panel will then decide the order of winners, which will be announced later that day during the business meeting of the Service Science Section at the Annual INFORMS Conference 2015 in Philadelphia, PA.
         The first-place winner will receive $400.
         The second-place winner will receive $300.
         The third-place winner will receive $200.
         All finalists will receive a plaque or award certificate.  
    Award Selection Criteria
    The evaluation process will be conducted in two steps:
    (1) Student finalists will be chosen by the Awards Committee from the pool of student research papers submitted for the competition. Each student may submit one paper.  Each paper will be evaluated for:
    (a) Academic significance (originality, depth, completeness and work’s potential impact on future service science research).
    (b)    Business relevance (importance of the problem and its impact on service engineering or business practice).
    (2) Finalists will be invited to present in a live award competition session during INFORMS Philadelphia 2015. A panel of Service Science scholars will determine the final ordering of the award winners.
    (3) During the Service Science Section business meeting, the award winners will be announced.

    Subject Areas
    Topic areas include but are not limited to the following:
         Service Marketing
         Service Theory
         Cognition Science in Service
         Business Analytics and Optimization
         Service Innovation
         Dynamics of Service-oriented Systems
         Quality, Measures, and Benchmarking
         Service Operations and Productivity
         Workforce Management
         Service Lifecycle Management
         Service Engineering and Systems
         Software as a Service (SaaS)
         System Complexity, Scalability, Sustainability, and Adaptability
         Scalable Data Analysis (Bid Data)
         Service Infrastructure and Cyber-infrastructure
         Service Value Networks
         Service Computing
         Self-service Systems
         Web 2.0, BPM/BPI, and SOA 2.0 in support of Service Innovations
         Service Education

    Eligibility Requirements and Author Guidelines
         The first author of the paper must be a student at the time of submission, or have been a student during academic year 2014-2015. Students must not have completed their PhD prior to July 15, 2014.
         Student author must be a member of the Service Science Section at the time of the award presentation at INFORMS Philadelphia 2015.
         Paper topic must fit Service Science subject areas.
         Submitted papers MUST represent original work, for which the student was the primary author and majority contributor.
         Submitted Paper Format: The paper should be no more than 32 pages, double-spaced (16 pages if single spaced), in 11- or 12-point Times Roman font.  Paper format should follow typical INFORMS journal layout conventions.   
         The submitted paper file (PDF) should be sent by email to the Service Science Award Committee Chair by the due date. Papers received after the due date will not be reviewed for competition.
         Members of the awards committee and officers/council members of the Service Science Section are ineligible to participate in the competition.

    What to Submit:
    To be considered for this year’s competition, please email the following to the Award Committee Chair:
     i.    An electronic version of your paper in PDF format.
     ii.    A letter in PDF format from one faculty advisor or co-author (if any) articulating your role in writing this paper.

    Where to submit:
    Yingdong Lu
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

    Deadline for paper submission is August 1, 2015