One of the most challenging and perhaps even the most fun part about marketing is just how dynamic it is. The consumer keeps changing his or her behavior and as a marketer, you’re supposed to adapt your strategies to reflect that change in the market.
More often than not, marketers who are able to identify and respond to these dynamics do very well in generating sales for their businesses. There are of course a lot of ways through which you can adapt your marketing strategy to reflect changing consumer behavior or consumer profiles.
However, one thing we’ve found quite useful in recent years is account-based marketing, especially on the professional network LinkedIn.
Our ABM strategy has worked quite well and we’ve managed to pick up a few tips and tricks that may help you leverage this concept for your business too.
- Learn About the Targeting Rules on LinkedIn
LinkedIn as a platform has its own set of rules. For example, you’re allowed to include a maximum of 100 companies in your ABM campaign but with a small caveat. The campaign must also have at least 1,000 contacts.
So, if for some reason you had created a campaign with 200 companies and only had say, 3 contacts, then all that effort would be in vain because it wouldn’t be compatible with LinkedIn’s targeting requirements.
As a result, it becomes so hard to get any traction going even with the help of expert companies like Lean Data.
- Work with Your Sales Team When Targeting Accounts
At the end of the day, success in account-based marketing will be determined by just how well you’re able to target your accounts.
This isn’t an easy thing and you’ll require a lot of collaborative effort between the marketing team and the sales guys.
Additionally, when there’s a strong alignment between marketing and sales, it becomes easier to track marketing response data and re-adjust strategy if needed.
- Personalize Messaging for Each Account
If you have 100 accounts targeted in one campaign, you may fall into the temptation of just sending out a general message.
While this will get you some traction and maybe save you a lot of time, it’s not nearly as effective in generating quality leads.
This is why we would advise you to look at each and every account in your campaign and see if you can target it with custom messages that resonate with the audience.
This will make it easier for you to generate leads that are more likely to lead to a sale.
- Keep Your Account List Updated
It’s very important to make sure that your list of targeted accounts remains as updated as possible. Remember what we said in the introduction.
The dynamics in marketing change with the consumer. As such, you have to change your strategy with consumer behavior.
Keeping your list updated helps you to account for these changes in consumer behavior in your ABM strategy, something that goes a long way in optimizing your results.