When you are thinking about life insurance and final expenses, you must know how much a funeral will cost. Funerals can be very expensive, but you can use prepaid plans to defray those costs as much as possible. Use this list to determine how much your funeral will cost, to pay for the funeral early, and to remove that financial burden from your family.
What Are Prepaid Funeral Plans?
Monthly funeral plans allow you to pay off the cost of a funeral long before you believe you will pass on. You can go to the funeral home now to ask about funeral plans, and they will create a contract that includes everything you want in the funeral plan. You will start paying for the funeral right now, and you can even get a loan to pay for the funeral.
The funeral is paid for years in advance, and your family can grieve properly.
Caskets Or Cremation
When you are planning a funeral, you need to consider if you want to be buried or cremated. The casket that you are presented in is typically not the casket you are cremated in. Because of this, you can cut back on costs if you are cremated.
If you would like to be buried, you can get the cemetery and your priest/minister involved. This is a simple way to prepare for the future, and your family does not need to guess what you want.
You Can Choose The Music And Set The Program
You can choose the music for the funeral, set the program, and save everyone a lot of time. It costs money to print the programs, and the hall will be rented for the funeral. You can work with the funeral director to cut these costs by having a graveside service, or you could ask for a small service that is followed by a private cremation. You can keep your funeral costs within the budget you have set, and you will apply for a loan to pay off the loan quickly.
Why Are Loans Helpful For Final Costs?
If you have gotten a loan to pay off your final costs, your family can use their inheritance and insurance money to pay for essentials. The cost of a funeral can be quite shocking, and you will pay today’s prices for the funeral. Ensure that you have considered everything from flowers to musicians who will play at the funeral.
You can send a check to the funeral home when you get the money from your lender, and you can pay off the loan in small increments over the next few years. You will not need to worry about the funeral again, and you can send the contract to your attorney to include with your will.
You must tell someone in your family that you have created this funeral plan, and you should tell your lawyer to attach the contract to your will. Your lawyer can help your family through this difficult time, and the lawyer will know how to work with the funeral home to make the appropriate arrangements. You are removing a heavy burden from your family, and you can pay off the loan so far in advance that you get a significant discount on the cost of a traditional funeral.