INFORMS serves the scientific and professional needs of Analytics Professionals and Operations Researchers including educators, scientists, students, managers, analysts, and consultants. The Institute serves as a focal point for analytics and O.R. professionals, permitting them to communicate with each other and reach out to other professional societies, as well as the varied clientele of the profession's research and practice.
Some of the services INFORMS provides include:
- Publishing 13 scholarly journals that describe the latest O.R. and analytics methods and applications and an industry and membership magazine with news from across the profession.
- Organizing national and international conferences for academics and professionals, as well as for members of the society's special interest groups.
- Providing analytics certification and continuing education to assist members and others in furthering their career
- Click here for more information about the benefits of an INFORMS membership.
INFORMS Vision Statement:
INFORMS is recognized as the premier organization for advancing the profession, practice, and science of analytics, operations research and management science.
INFORMS Mission:
INFORMS will advance the practice, research, methods, and applications of analytics and OR/MS by:
- encouraging, facilitating, and rewarding excellence;
- communicating every aspect of analytics and OR/MS to all appropriate audiences through journals, conferences, magazines, the internet, and other appropriate media;
- promoting the achievements and capabilities of analytics and OR/MS professionals to managers and executives, policy makers, and the general public;
- providing lifelong education and career development opportunities to analytics and OR/MS professionals; and
- attracting the best people to the field of analytics and OR/MS and attracting those in the field to INFORMS.