- Any persons interested in operations research and the management sciences may become a chapter member by completing a membership application and submitting it with the proper chapter dues. Membership in the national INFORMS organization (the Institute) is not required.
- With the exception that elected officers must be members of INFORMS, all members have equal rights, duties, and privileges. Annual chapter dues are normally payable at the beginning of each calendar year.
- Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination on any basis.
- At all times, the membership of the Chapter must include at least 25 members of the Institute.
For membership information contact:
INFORMS Customer Service
7240 Parkway Drive, Suite 300
Hanover, Maryland 21706-1300 USA
Phone: 800-446-3676 or +1-443-757-3500
Fax: +1-443-757-3515
Web Site: http://www.informs.org/
Direct link to membership information page:
It is possible to join the Rocky Mountain INFORMS chapter without joining the national organization. Dues for our local chapter alone, without national membership, are $15. For registration links, see: http://www.informs.org/Participate-In-a-Community