

  • INFORMS 2025 QSR Best Paper Competition: Upcoming
  • INFORMS 2025 QSR Best Student Paper Competition: Upcoming
  • INFORMS 2025 QSR Best Student Poster Competition: Upcoming)
  • INFORMS 2025 QSR Student Interaction: Upcoming)
  • INFORMS 2025 QSR Data Challenge: Upcoming


  • The finalists of the 2024 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

Michael Biehler, Daniel Lin, Reinaldo Mock, Jianjun Shi: 4DYNAMO: Analyzing and Optimizing Process Parameters in 4D Printing for Dynamic 3D Shape Morphing Accuracy (WINNER)

Peiyao Liu, Chen Zhang: Spatial In-Profile Monitoring via Latent Tensor-variate Gaussian Process with Mixed Effects

Naichen Shi, Hao Yan, Shenghan Guo, Raed Al Kontar: Multi-physics Guided Generative Diffusion Models with Manufacturing Applications

Zengchenghao Xia, Zhiyong Hu, Oingbo He, Chao Wang: Real-time Transfer Active Learning for Functional Regression and Prediction based on Multi-output Gaussian Process

  • The finalists of the 2024 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order):

Cheoljoon Jeong, Eunshin Byon: Explainable Parameter Calibration via Importance-Driven Sliced Sequential Design

Yifan Li, Hui Chen. Li Zheng: Zero-shot Standard Operation Generation based on Pretrained Large Vision-language Model (WINNER) 

Ridwan Olabiyi, Han Hu, Ashif Iquebal: Consistent Discovery of Dynamical Systems Using Stochastic Inverse Modeling

Jinwei Yao, Jianguo Wu, Yongxiang Li, Chao Wang: Transfer Learning of Stochastic Kriging for Individualized Prediction


  • The finalists of the 2023 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

Jiuyun Hu, Naichen Shi, Raed Al Kontar, and Hao Yan, "Personalized Tucker Decomposition: Modelling Commonality and Peculiarity on Tensor Data". 

Tanapol Kosolwattana, Huazheng Wang, and Ying Lin, "Online Modeling and Monitoring of Dependent Processes under Resource Constraints". 

Ryan Lin, Chaoyue Zhao, Xiaoning Qian, Kendra Vehik, and Shuai Huang, "Fair Collaborative Learning (FairCL): A Method to Improve Fairness amid Personalization"​.

Rui Tuo and Raktim Bhattacharya, "Privacy-aware Gaussian Process Regression" (WINNER)


  • The finalists of the 2023 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

Michael Biehler, Georgia Tech, "PLURAL: 3D Point Cloud Transfer Learning via Contrastive Learning with Augmentations". 

Junoh Heo, Michigan State University, "Active learning for a nonadditive model for multi-fidelity computer simulations". (WINNER)

Zheng Dong, Georgia Tech, "Multi-resolution Spatio-temporal Prediction with Uncertainty Quantification for Wind Power Generation". 

Yujie Wei, Shanghai Jiaotong University & National University of Singapore, "A Covariate-assisted Monitoring Scheme for Multivariate Processes".  

  • The winner of the 2023 QSR Best Student Poster Competition is (in alphabetical order): 

    Ziqian Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (WINNER)


  • The finalists of the 2022 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

      Bo Shen and Zhenyu (James) Kong, "A novel active anomaly discovery method and its applications in additive manufacturing". 

      Seokhyun Chung and Raed Al Kontar, "Federated Multi-output Gaussian Process". 

      Xinchao, Liu, Xiao Liu, Tulin Kaman, and Guang Lin, "Physics-informed statistical learning and prediction for nonlinear dynamical systems"​.

      Xinmin Wang, Chao Wang-University of, Xuan Song, Levi Kirby, and Jianguo Wu, "Multi-source transfer learning through regularized multi-output Gaussian convolution process" (WINNER)


    • The finalists of the 2022 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

      Henry Shaowu Yuchi, Georgia Tech, "Design and Analysis of Finite Element Simulations"

      Chengyu Zhou, North Carolina State University, "A Supervised Tensor Dimension Reduction-Based Prognostic Model for Applications with Incomplete Imaging Data". 

      Zingyan Zeng, Virginia Tech, "Ensemble Active Learning by Contextual Bandits for AI Training in Manufacturing"

      Zihan Zhang, Georgia Tech, "Tensor-based Temporal Control for Partially Observed High-dimensional Streaming Data".  (WINNER)


    • The finalists of the 2022 Best Case Study Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order of the first author): 

      "Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Mass Telecommunication Base Station Failure Events"
      Tong Wu, Yudong Wang, Zhisheng Ye, Nan Chen - National University of Singapore, Singapore, 117576
      Zhijian Chen - China Tower Corporation Heilongjiang Branch, Heilongjiang, China, 150086

      "Hierarchical RNN-Based Framework for Throughput Prediction in Automotive Production Systems"
      Mengfei Chen, Weihong (Grace) Guo - Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University
      Richard Furness, Rajesh Gupta - Global Data Insight & Analytics, Ford Motor Company
      Saumuy Puchala - Manufacturing Technology Development, Ford Motor Company

      "A Mask-Guided Attention Deep Learning Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis Based on an Integrated CT Scan Images Database"
      Maede Maftouni, Bo Shen, Andrew Chung Chee Law, Zhenyu (James) Kong - Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
      Niloofar Ayoobi Yazdi, Fereshteh Ghiasvand - Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
      Fahimeh Hadavand - Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (WINNER)

    • The winner and honorable mention of the 2022 QSR Best Student Poster Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

      Weizhi Lin, University of Southern California. (WINNER)

      Xin Zan, University of Florida. (HONORABLE MENTION)

    • The finalists of the 2022 QSR Industry Data Challenges are (in alphabetical order): 

      Yu An, Peking University. 

      Bo Shen (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Jihoon Chung, Raghav Gnanasambandam, Yutong Zhang, Virginia Tech.

      Qiuzhuang Sun, National University of Singapore. (WINNER)


    • The finalists of the 2021 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

        Data-driven Pathwise Sampling Approaches for Online Anomaly Detection". 

        Cheolhei Lee, Kaiwen Wang, Jianguo Wu, Wenjun Cai, and Xiaowei Yue, "Partitioned Active Learning for Heterogeneous Systems". 

        Xubo Yue, Maher Nouiehed, and Raed Al Kontar, "An Approach for Group and Individual Fairness in Federated Learning"​. 

        ​Ruda Zhang, Simon Mak, and David Dunson, "GPS: Gaussian Process Subspace Regression for Model Reduction​". (WINNER)

      • The finalists of the 2021 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

        Amirhossein Fallahdizcheh, University of Iowa, "Data-level transfer learning for degradation modeling and prognosis"

        Yinan Wang, Virginia Tech, "NP-ODE: Neural Process Aided Ordinary Differential Equations for Uncertainty Quantification of Finite Element Analysis". 

        Hui Wu, Tsinghua University, "Adaptive Graph-Based Support Vector Data Description for Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection".

        Xueqi Zhao, Pennsylvania State University, "A Registration-free approach for Statistical Process Control of 3D scanned objects via FEM". (WINNER)

      • The winner and honorable mention of the 2021 QSR Best Student Poster Competition are: 

        Xinchao Liu, University of Arkansas. (Winner)
        Guanzhou Wei, University of Arkansas. (Honorable Mention)

      • The finalists of the 2021 QSR Industry Data Challenges are (in alphabetical order): 

        Yuanyuan Gao​, Ruiyu Xu​, and Zheren Song​, Song Huang, Peking University. (WINNER)

        Dongmin Li and Xin Zan, University of Florida. 

        Min Qian, Yanan Wang, ​Wenqiang Zheng, and Huan Wang, Tsinghua University. 


      • The finalists of the 2020 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

          Andi Wang and Jianjun Shi, "Holistic Modeling and Analysis of Multistage Manufacturing Processes with Sparse Effective Inputs and Mixed Profile Outputs"​. 

          Adaptive Partially-Observed Sequential Change Point Detection with Multiple Failure Modes​".

        • The finalists of the 2020 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

          Jialei Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Adaptive Design for Gaussian Process Regression under Censoring". (WINNER)

          Zhehui Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology, "A hierarchical expected improvement method for effective Bayesian optimization". 

          Ziyue Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, "Tensor Completion for Weakly-dependent Data on Graph for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction".

          Ruiyu Xu, Peking University, "Online Structural Change-point Detection of High-dimensional Time Series via Dynamic Sparse Subspace Learning".

        • The winner and honorable mention of the 2020 QSR Best Student Poster Competition are: 

          Ana Maria Estrada Gomez, Georgia Institute of Technology. (Winner)
          Minhee Kim, UW-Madison. (Honorable Mention)

        • The finalists of the 2020 QSR Industry Data Challenges are (in alphabetical order): 

          Hang Dong and Xiaoting He, Microsoft Research/Amazon Web Services.

          Werner Jiang and Min-hwan Oh, Columbia University. (WINNER)

          Maede Maftouni, Andrew Chung Chee Law, Yangze Zhou, and Bo Shen, Virginia Tech/Purdue University. (Runner Up)

          Seonho Park, Farnaz Babaie Sarijaloo, and Bijan Taslimi, University of Florida.


        • The finalists of the 2019 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

            Changyue Song, Kaibo Liu, Xi Zhang, "Collusion Detection and Ground Truth Inference in Crowdsourcing for Labeling Tasks"​. 

          • The finalists of the 2019 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

            Xiao Huang, Texas A&M University, "Heterogeneous Information Learning in Large-Scale Networks".

            Rajitha Meka, University of Texas at San Antonio, "An Active Learning Methodology for Efficient Estimation of Noisy Black-Box Functions using Gaussian Process Regression". 

            Liyan Xie, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Online Sequential Subspace Change-point Detection".

            Zhen Zhong, Georgia Institute of Technology, "Image-Based Process Control Using Tensor Analysis". (WINNER)

          • The winner of the 2019 QSR Best Student Poster Competition is: 

            Zhiyong Hu, Texas Tech University.

          • The finalists of the QSR Industry Data Challenges are (in alphabetical order): 

            Yuxuan Li, Zhangyue Shi, and Chen-ang Liu, Oklahoma State University.

            Cesor Ruiz, Yu (Chelsea) Jin. and Jose Azucena, University of Arkansas.

            Erotokritos Skordilis, and Ramin Moghaddas, University of Miami. (WINNER)

            Safoora Yousefi, Emory University.


          • The finalists of the 2018 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

            • The finalists of the 2018 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 

              Anh Tuan Bui, Northwestern University, “Monitoring for Changes in the Nature of Stochastic Textured Surfaces”.  

              Raquel de Souza Borges Ferreira, Purdue University, “Predictive Comparisons for Screening and Interpreting Inputs in Machine Learning”. (WINNER)

              Shuang Li, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Scan B-Statistic for Kernel Change-Point Detection”.

              Ruizhi Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Scalable Robust Monitoring of Large-Scale Data Streams”.

            • The winner of the 2018 QSR Best Student Poster Competition is: 
              Ashif Sikandar Iquebal, Texas A&M University.

              Chenang Liu, Virginia Tech.


            • The finalists of the 2017 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Liu and Zhenyu (James) Kong, “An Integrated Manifold Learning Approach for Online Process Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing Processes”. (WINNER) 

              Cynthia Rudin and Yining Wang, “Direct Learning to Rank and Rerank”.

              Wujun Si, Qingyu Yang, and Xin Wu, “A Functional Covariate Degradation Model with Application to Degradation Analysis of Dual-phase Steel by Utilizing Its Microstructure Images”.  

              Yan Wang, Xiaowei Yue, Rui Tuo, Jeffrey H. Hunt and Jianjun Shi, “Effective Model Calibration via Sensible Variable Identification and Adjustment, with Application to Composite Fuselage Simulation”.

            • The finalists of the 2017 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Junzhou Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology, “S3T: An Efficient Score-statistic for Spatio-Temporal Surveillance”.  

              Raed Al Kontar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Nonparametric Modeling and Prognosis of Condition Monitoring Signals: A Transfer Learning Approach Based on Multivariate Gaussian Convolution Processes”. (WINNER)

              Qiyun Pan, University of Michigan, “Adaptive Importance Sampling for Determining Resistance Levels in Reliability-based System Design”.

              Bo Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, “Bayesian Sequential Calibration Using Detailed Sample Paths”.

            • The winner of the 2017 QSR Best Student Poster Competition is: 
              Ahmed Aziz Ezzat, Texas A&M University,  “Spatio-temporal Asymmetry of Local Wind Fields and its Impact on Short-term Wind Forecast"


            • The finalists of the 2016 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Amir M. Aboutaleb and  Bian, “An Optimum Design of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing Experiments by Leveraging Analogous Prior Data”.  

              Xiaolei Fang, Kamran Paynabar, and Nagi Gebraeel, “Residual Useful Lifetime Prediction Using a Degradation Image Stream”.

              Xiao Liu, Kyongmin Yeo, and Jayant Kalagnanam, “Statistical Modeling for Spatio-Temporal Degradation Data”. (WINNER) 

              Arman Sabbaghi and Qiang Huang, “Model Transfer via Equivalent Effects of Lurking Variables”.

            • The finalists of the 2016 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Farmanesh Babak, Oklahoma State University, “Sparse Pseudo-input Local Kriging for Large Non-stationary Spatial Datasets with Exogenous Variables”.  

              Simon Tsz Fung Mak, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Supporting Points”. (WINNER)

              Hao Yan, Georgia Institute of Technology, “AKMM: Adaptive Sensing for Online Anomaly Detection”.

              Murat Yildirim, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Sensor-Driven Condition-Based Maintenance and Operations Scheduling of Power Plants in Electricity Systems”.

            • The winners of the 2016 QSR Best Student Poster Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Xiaochen Xian, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “A Nonparametric Adaptive Sampling Strategy for On-line Monitoring of Big Data Streams"

              Chen Zhang, National University of Singapore, “Multichannel Profile Monitoring based on Sparse Multichannel Functional Principle Component Analysis"


            • The finalists of the 2015 QSR Best Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Youngjun Choe and Eunshin Byon, “EM-Based Cross-Entropy Method with an Asymptotically Unbiased Information Criterion”.  

              David Coit and Hao Liu, “Markov Additive Processes for Degradation with Jumps under Dynamic Environments”.

              Kamran Paynabar, Hao Yan Jianjun Shi, “Real-time Monitoring and Diagnosis of High-Dimensional Data Streams via Spatio-Temporal Smooth Sparse Decomposition”. (WINNER) 

            • The finalists of the 2015 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Kaveh Bastani, Virginia Tech, “An Online Sparse Estimation-based Classification (OSEC) Approach for Real-time Monitoring in Additive Manufacturing Processes Using Heterogeneous Sensor Data”. 

              Yan Jin, University of Washington, “Diagnostic Monitoring of Multivariate Process via a LASSO-BN Formulation”.

              Yanjun Qian, Texas A&M University, “Multi-stage Nanocrystal Growth Identifying and Modeling via in-situ TEM Video”. (WINNER)

              Junbo Son, University of Wisconsin Madison, “RUL Prediction Based on Noisy Condition Monitoring Signals using Constrained Kalman Filter”. 

            • The winner of the 2015 QSR Best Student Poster Competition is:
              Abdallah Chehade (University of Wisconsin-Madison)  


            • The finalists of the 2014 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Hua, Dingguo. Rutgers University. Reliability of Systems with Spatially Distributed Units.

              Li, Mingyang. of Arizona. Bayesian Modeling and Inferencing of Heterogeneous Time-to-event Data with an Unknown Number of Sub-populations.

              Xing, Dadi. Purdue University. Optimal Supersaturated Design via Lasso.

              Yuan, Yuan. of Wisconsin Madison. Non-crossing Quantile Regression Processes based on Monotone B-splines. (WINNER)


            • The finalists of the 2013 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              BAO, Lulu. Tsinghua University. A Run-to-Run Controller for Product Surface Quality Improvement.

              POURHABIB, Arash. Texas A & M University. Bayesian Site Selection for Gaussian Process Regression.

              SABAAGHI, Arman. Harvard University. Indicator Functions and the Algebra of the Linear-Quadratic Parametrization.

              ZHANG, Linmiao. University of Singapore. Monitoring Wafer Geometric Quality using Additive Gaussian Process Model. (WINNER)


            • The finalists of the 2012 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              BIAN, Linkan. Georgia Institute of Technology. Real-Time Prognostics for Multi-Component Systems with Degradation-Rate-Interactions.

              LIU, Kaibo. Georgia Institute of Technology. Physician Performance Assessment Using a Composite Quality Index.

              PLUMLEE, Matthew. Georgia Institute of Technology. Tractable Functional Response Modeling using Nonstationary Covariance Functions. (WINNER)

              WANG, Li. of Southern California. Cross-Domain Model Building and Validation (CDMV): A New Modeling Strategy to Reinforce Understanding of Nanomanufacturing Processes.


            • The finalists of the 2011 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              BA, Shan. Georgia Institute of Technology. Multi-Layer Designs for Computer Experiments. (WINNER)

              Bian, Linkan. Georgia Institute of Technology. Predicting Residual Life Distributions under Randomly Evolving Future Environmental Profiles.

              Huang, Shuai. Arizona State University. Hypergraph-based    Gaussian Process Models with Qualitative and Quantitative Input Variables.

              YE, Zhisheng. University of Singapore. Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Gamma Processes for Deteriorating Products.


            • The finalists of the 2010 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              ALSHRAIDEH, Hussam. Pennsylvania State University. Factor significance and robust parameter design of shape response experiments.

              JIN, Ran. Georgia Institute of Technology. Reconfigured piecewise linear regression tree for multistage manufacturing process control.

              LI, Jian. Hong Kong University of and Technology. Multivariate categorical charting techniques via models.

              ZHOU, Qiang. of Wisconsin Madison. A simple approach to emulation for computer models with qualitative and quantitative factors. (WINNER)


            • The finalists of the 2009 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              Beyca, Omer. Oklahoma State University. Sequential Bayesian Decision Making for End-Point Detection of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) Processes.

              Kang, Lulu. Georgia Institute of Technology. Bayesian Optimal Single Arrays for Robust Parameter Design. (WINNER)

              Zeng, Li. of Wisconsin Madison. A Bayesian Approach to Risk-adjusted Change Detection in Healthcare.

              Zhou, Rensheng. Georgia Institute of Technology. Degradation Modeling of Complete, Sparse and Fragmented Signals.


            • The finalists of the 2008 QSR Best Student Paper Competition are (in alphabetical order): 
              pdf DENG, et al. , Georgia Institute of Technology, Statistical approach to quantifying the elastic deformation of nanomaterials

              pdf JEONG, et al. , Rutgers University, Spatial correlogram-based dynamic time warping for automatic detection of defect patterns in wafer maps

              pdf  and DING (winner) Texas A&M University, isomorph-free generation of two-level regular fractional factorial designs (WINNER)

              pdf SUKCHOTRAT, et al.  of Texas, Classification-based control charts for monitoring multivariate processes







