Paper Competition

The 2024 MIF Paper Competition winner is Dr. Gian-Gabriel Garcia from Georgia Tech with "Interpretable policies and the price of interpretability in hypertension treatment planning," published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 2024 Finalists include Dr. Yingchao Lan and Yunduan Lin for their respective papers published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

In 2016, MIF started the Paper Competition to promote and bring visibility to recent contributions of MIF members in the field of operations research, management science, or information systems. The motivation stemmed from the desire to feature work from younger scholars within the MIF population, and recognize them for their research.

Submissions must have been accepted or published within the past two years of the of the award year, and are judged on the basis of significance of contribution to theory or practice, novelty and technical strength of methodology, significance and clarity of results, conclusions being reasonable and supported, and organization and quality of exposition.

The finalists present their work in a dedicated session at the annual conference, and the first place winner receives a monetary award.

For more information, please contact Jessye Talley ( and Mike Gordon (

Please see here for past paper competition winners.