The Cincinnati-Dayton Chapter hosts a local technical symposium, held in the Fall. The 2016 Symposium was held Friday Oct. 14; we are currently planning the 2017 Symposium. Submitted and invited papers, presentations and posters are presented on various areas related to OR (applications and innovations). The key note address of the symposium is by the annual Chapter’s Outstanding Young OR/MS winner.
The conference is designed as a low-cost, local technical symposium with registration fees of $15 for students and $35 for regular, which includes the event, lunch, and the upcoming year's Cincy-Dayton chapter dues.
Proceedings are available online:
Presented papers can be found on ResearchGate (full text available):
- C. Okonkwo & S. Drager, "Performance of Various Has Functions," Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Conference, Dayton, OH, Oct. 14, 2016, pp. 24-31
- T. D. Hawkes, T. J. Bihl, & M. H. Woolacott, "Interacting Systems Approach to Investigation of Human Cognitive Capacity," Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Conference, Dayton, OH, Oct. 14, 2016, pp. 32-39
- D. Meyer & T. Murphey, "A Dynamical-Statistical Approach to Forecasting Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Western North Pacific", Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium, Dayton, OH, Oct. 9, 2015, pp. 21-32
- T. Paciencia & J. Chrissis, "Multi-Objective Optimization of Stochastic, Black-Box Systems Using Direct Search and Indifference Values", Cincinnati-Dayton INFORMS Symposium, Dayton, OH, Aug. 29, 2014, pp. 28-52
Please email us at:
Example 2016 Schedule (October 14th, Nutter Center at Wright State)
Session 1
Session 2
Registration and Coffee
Welcome and Agenda in Berry 3
Power: Perspective, Platforms and Paradigms (T. Oroszi, WSU)
Transition and Snack Break
Optimal Selection of Parsimonious ARIMA Forecasting Models (Polak, WSU)
Analysis of Various Hatch Functions (Okonkwo, Norfolk State)
Visualization and Verification of Extended Load Forecasts of Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone Formation (Meyer, Statistical Solutions LLC)
What's New in JMP 13 (Worley, SAS Institute)
Agent Based Models of Passenger Boarding for Commercial Aircraft (Ward, WSU)
The n-by-T Inpatient Discharge Policy under Various Occupancy Rates (Ballester, WSU)
State of the Art of Simulation Model Validation (Atkinson, AFIT)
INFORMS Social Media Analysis Subdivision (Smith, AFIT)
Using High Performance Computers of Modeling, Simulation and Analysis (Meyer, AFIT)
From Data to Decisions - The Value of Extraordinary User Interfaces (Fisher, The Perduco Group)
U.S. Air Force Cross-Core Function Analysis (Mills, The Perduco Group)
Contextualizing an Organizational Role for Craft Analysis (Jackson, AFMC)
Monitoring and Improving Quality via Consumer Comments (Gutman, P&G)
Operations Research Application in Lifecycle Management (Obergell, AFLCMC)
Student Posters and Snack Break
Competitive Decision-making Frameworks in Optimization (Lunday, AFIT) - Keynote address for the 2016 Outstanding Young OR/MS Award
Awards presentation and social