INFORMS Open Forum

Workshop: Teaching Supply Chain Collaboration and Competition via the Flower Games

  • 1.  Workshop: Teaching Supply Chain Collaboration and Competition via the Flower Games

    Posted 12-19-2023 18:44
    Dear colleagues,
    You are invited to a Workshop on "Teaching Supply Chain Collaboration and Competition via the Flower Games". The workshop is free and intended for instructors teaching or developing programs on supply chain collaboration and competition.
    Supply chain collaboration is undoubtedly one of the most important topics in supply chain management, yet hard to teach. The FloraPark simulation (the supply chain flower games) is designed to teach this topic in executive programs. It enhances the Beer game by introducing price negotiation between trading partners and having all supply chains competing in one market, therefore leading to more realistic and intriguing dynamics: Trading partners must carefully balance self-interested actions to capture the maximum value from the supply chain and collaboration to compete against the other supply chains.
    Dates: Wednesday 1/10/24 and Thursday 1/11/2024, 3-4:30pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York Time).
    Registration and more information can be found here:

    Yao Zhao
    Rutgers University
    Newark NJ