INFORMS Open Forum

UT-Dallas announces loss of Milind Dawande

  • 1.  UT-Dallas announces loss of Milind Dawande

    Posted 6 days ago

    Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

    The Operations Management faculty at the Jindal School of Management, UT-Dallas regretfully informs you that our colleague Milind Dawande, Mike Redeker Distinguished Professor, passed away on Friday, May 3, 2024, in Dallas. He was a prolific researcher, a passionate and impactful teacher, and an outstanding mentor to doctoral students and junior colleagues (within and outside our school). Students advised by him have held (or currently hold) faculty positions in schools such as U Buffalo, U Alabama, U Massachusetts-Amherst, U Minnesota, UIUC, U Florida, Texas A&M, U Nebraska, U Kansas, U Oklahoma, Michigan State U, Arizona State U, U of Miami, U of Houston, U of Delaware, U Pittsburgh, George Washington U, U of Calgary, Chinese U of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Science and Technology-China, and Ozyegin University. He has also served our field as a constructive reviewer and editor for our major journals. Within our school, he served diligently as the coordinator (similar to department head) for the Operations Management area for about twenty years. He was greatly admired for his scholarship, teaching, and generosity and kindness to students, staff, and colleagues.  He will be greatly missed!    

    On behalf of UT-Dallas Operations Management Area

    Metin Çakanyildirim, Professor of Operations Management

    Metin Cakanyildirim
    The University of Texas at Dallas
    Richardson TX