INFORMS Open Forum

The Future of Analytics and Operations Research - INFORMS Annual Meeting Workshop

  • 1.  The Future of Analytics and Operations Research - INFORMS Annual Meeting Workshop

    Posted 08-29-2022 13:44

    The Future of Analytics and Operations Research - INFORMS Annual Meeting Workshop 

    The field of operations research and management science has undergone a major transformation over the past three decades, as advances in computing have enabled the rise of data-driven decisions, allowing analytics to impact new application areas such as health care. The purpose of this workshop is to chart new directions for analytics and operations research over the next 30 years.

    In particular, this workshop would like to focus on the past, present and future work of Professor Dimitris Bertsimas of MIT, who turns 60 a few weeks before the 2022 Annual Meeting, through the eyes of his former and current research group members. Over the past 35 years, Prof. Bertsimas along with more than 100 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers have worked on optimization, probabilistic methods, queueing models, and machine learning, all while tackling a wide range of impactful applications from agriculture to finance, transportation, personalized medicine and health care operations.

    The primary goal of this workshop is to showcase the diverse skills, interests, accomplishments, and ideas of past and present members of Prof. Bertsimas' group. It will involve a series of talks that will span different generations of researchers whose career started as part of the group at MIT.

    The workshop will be centered around the following broader areas:

    • Robust and data-driven optimization
    • Healthcare analytics
    • Optimization and machine learning
    • Impact-driven Operations Research

    Presentations and Attendance

    Only invited speakers will present at the workshop but the event is open to conference attendees. 


    The workshop will take place on Saturday, October 15 in conjunction with the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.

    Registration Fees

    Students: $20

    Non-students: $30

    All participants are required to register for the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. The registration fees for this workshop do NOT include the registration fee for the INFORMS Annual Meeting. View Annual Meeting Registration.

    For questions regarding this workshop, please contact Arthur Delarue, Holly Wiberg, and Agni Orfanoudaki at

    Agni Orfanoudaki
    Associate Professor of Operations Management
    Oxford University