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Self-taught course in sequential decision problems

  • 1.  Self-taught course in sequential decision problems

    Posted 12-29-2022 10:48

    Weekly seminar in sequential decision problems for graduate students and analytics professionals…

    Sequential decision problems are universal - they arise in every human process.  However, the academic community teaches this field in a hopelessly fragmented way: dynamic programming, stochastic programming, stochastic search, optimal control, simulation-optimization, multiarmed bandit problems and (especially) "reinforcement learning."  

    All of these fields work on "sequential decision problems."

    My new book is the first to pull all these fields together into a single, unified framework.  I organize every method used for making decisions into four classes of policies.

    This material is not being taught in universities today.  I have designed a weekly seminar where graduate students and analytics professionals can teach the material to themselves.  Just go to

    and scroll down to "Weekly seminar series" where I provide an outline of material that a group of students or professionals can follow to teach the material to themselves from my recent book Please also see the companion book at which uses a teach-by-example style.

    Additional material is available at

    Warrren Powell
    Chief analytics officer, Optimal Dynamics
    Professor Emeritus, Princeton University