INFORMS Open Forum

Reminder: We are looking for volunteers at OR/MS Tomorrow!

  • 1.  Reminder: We are looking for volunteers at OR/MS Tomorrow!

    Posted 02-14-2023 11:24

    Dear OR/MS community,

    We are looking for volunteers at OR/MS Tomorrow!

    OR/MS Tomorrow is the online student-produced magazine of INFORMS. The biannual publication provides a look at operations research and management sciences from the perspective of students. Edited by a team of students and overseen by a senior faculty advisor, the magazine is written for students and aims to introduce topics relevant to them, highlight their accomplishments, and promote awareness of current events and issues in OR and MS. It features articles, interviews, student publications, pertinent announcements, spotlights of both student chapters and subgroups within the national INFORMS organization, etc. To check out our website, most recent issue, and more, click here.

    OR/MS Tomorrow is looking for students to fill the volunteer positions of Production Editor, Webmaster, Staff Writer, Social Media Coordinator, and Editorial Board Member. Each of these positions would give you the opportunity to provide a significant service to our professional society and enhance skills like teamwork and communication. Furthermore, being part of our editorial board will give you valuable networking opportunities at several levels. You will meet students and OR/MS professionals from all over the world that work in related fields within operations research and management sciences. Overall, you will gain visibility within the broader INFORMS network.

    To read further details and apply, please visit our Call for Volunteers.

    The application deadline is March 7th, 2023.

    Any questions should be directed to

    Best regards, 

    Sofia Perez-Guzman and Kara Combs

    OR/MS Tomorrow Co-Lead Editors

    Sofia Perez-Guzman
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute