INFORMS Open Forum

Reminder: Data-Driven Queueing Challenges conference, DDQC III

  • 1.  Reminder: Data-Driven Queueing Challenges conference, DDQC III

    Posted 17 days ago

    Dear INFORMS Applied Probability Community:


    We are pleased to announce that The Data-Driven Queueing Challenges conference, DDQC III, will be held in-person, on November 11-13 of this year at Eurandom in Eindhoven. The first two online conferences were successfully held in 2021 and 2022. The theme of this year's conference is "Data-driven techniques in Operations Research". The conference will bring together researchers with backgrounds in operations management, statistics, stochastic modelling, data science and control to discuss contemporary queueing-related challenges.


    We have 18 confirmed speakers. Please find the list of speakers and more updates of the conference information on Registration is open now.

    In addition there is a satellite workshop on November 14 - see


    Looking forward to meeting you in Eindhoven!


    On behalf of the organizing committee


    Xinyun Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    Sandeep Juneja, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

    Michel Mandjes, Leiden University

    Pierre Nyquist, University of Gothenburg

    Nikki Sonenberg, University of Bristol

    Yue Hu (APS Webmaster)
    Assistant Professor of Operations, Information & Technology
    Stanford Graduate School of Business
    Stanford, CA