INFORMS Open Forum

NSF ExpandAI Live Webinar funding opportunity for eligible MSIs January 25th 2024

  • 1.  NSF ExpandAI Live Webinar funding opportunity for eligible MSIs January 25th 2024

    Posted 01-22-2024 14:57

    On behalf of the INFORMS NSF Liaison Committee, I'd like to bring to your attention the following upcoming ExpandAI Live Webinar on January 25, 2024 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm EST.

    As announced by Dillon Watring (on behalf of the ExpandAI team) in his e-mail, "As the ExpandAI program surpasses its 1-year anniversary, I wanted to reach out and bring to your attention again (or maybe for the first time) to the ExpandAI program (solicitation NSF 23-506). In October 2022, the Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships program was created. The program is designed to promote AI capacity development at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), as well as partnerships between MSIs and National AI Institutes (see AI Institutes Virtual Organization) These activities are intended to be a driving force for strengthening and diversifying U.S. research and education pathways and for providing historically marginalized communities with new opportunities in STEM careers. The ExpandAI program aims to significantly broaden participation in AI research, education, and workforce development through capacity development projects and partnerships within the National AI Research Institutes ecosystem.

    "We are excited to announce that the ExpandAI team invites you to attend our second Live Webinar being hosted on Thursday, January 25th, 2024 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm EST. This webinar will cover the ExpandAI program solicitation NSF 23-506 submission requirements and program updates. Track-specific presentations will be included for the Capacity Building Pilots (CAP) track and the Partnerships (PARTNER) track. It will also cover the concept outline process and how to submit to the ExpandAI program.
    "To attend the webinar, please register in advance:
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
    "Additionally, the ExpandAI team invites you to attend our next set of virtual office hours (the next one being next Monday, January 22nd, at 3-4 pm EST). "This webinar is pertaining to a funding opportunity for eligible MSIs. See NSF 23-610 for eligibility information."NSF Program Directors will answer questions and engage in discussions with participants on the process of planning, crafting (and revising for re-submission) Concept Outlines and Proposals to ensure good alignment with the goals of the program, hence a higher likelihood of funding success.
    Join ZoomGov Meeting for virtual office hours:
    Meeting Link
    Meeting ID: 161 953 6642
    Passcode: 865465
    One tap mobile
    +16692545252,,1619536642# US (San Jose)
    +16468287666,,1619536642# US (New York)
    "We look forward to seeing you at the live webinar and/or the virtual office hours! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself ( or the full ExpandAI team at"

    Michael Fu
    University of Maryland, College Park