INFORMS Open Forum

Next M&SOM Journal Seminar on Practice Problems on May 10th

  • 1.  Next M&SOM Journal Seminar on Practice Problems on May 10th

    Posted 04-22-2024 16:48

    Dear Colleagues,

    The Seminar on Practice Problems is one of the key initiatives of the M&SOM Journal's Practice Platform. The goal of this initiative is to bring the voice of practitioners closer to the Operations Management scholar community, to inspire and facilitate new and exciting operations management research which is relevant and impactful to practice. The page describing all the seminars offered to date in this series can be found here.

    Our next seminar will take place on Friday, May 10, 2024, from 11:30am to 12:30pm (EDT). Please join us on Zoom to hear from Dr. Steve Miff, CEO of Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation (PCCI), as he shares his insights on the practical application and key learnings from AI development and deployment in clinical decision support and population health. Click here to view more information about the topic, speakers, and how to join. 


    Can AI Help Save Lives?  Yes, but it's more than just cool math!


    For over a decade, PCCI has been using advanced skills in data science, combined with clinical expertise and social determinants of health experience, to research and develop cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that accelerate innovation to guide action across the clinical and community continuum, especially for vulnerable and underserved populations. With a focus on AI for clinical decision augmentation, PCCI's teams of data scientists, clinicians, and implementation science experts have been researching, building, testing, validating, monitoring, and calibrating AI/ML algorithms in diverse healthcare settings (e.g., across acute care, outpatient, payers, health departments and community health). This engaging discussion will both highlight how AI can solve some of the most complex clinical and population health problems and describe the entire lifecycle of the AI journey. We will highlight and discuss two specific examples: one is for direct clinical decision augmentation at the point of care (the Parkland Trauma Mortality AI algorithm and program) and one is for a comprehensive AI-guided population health pediatric asthma program.


    Steve Miff is the President and CEO of PCCI. He is a healthcare Innovator, Scientist, AI Enthusiast, and Technology & Data Geek with a passion for driving innovative and practical applications to help the most vulnerable and underserved populations. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine AI Adoption and Code of Conduct Committee, a Senior Fellow on the Health Evolution AI Collaborative and a member on Expert Panels and Listening Sessions for NIST and White House AI Initiatives. He is also on the Advisory Board Member for the Health AI Partnership.

    The guest co-host for this talk will be Prof. Vishal Ahuja from the SMU Cox School of Business, whose research focuses on various aspects of healthcare delivery.

    We will post the seminar recording through the INFORMS YouTube Channel, so colleagues will be able to view it later at their convenience if they cannot make it live. Furthermore, the journal will allow for up to a month any comments or questions related to the seminar from the audience (live or not). These will be posted and then monitored by the Practice Platform department editors.

    For any questions, please feel free to contact any of us. 

    Best regards,

    The OM Practice Platform Editors: 

    Pavithra Harsha <>, Jérémie Gallien <>, Ananth Raman <>,

    and the M&SOM Journal EIC Georgia Perakis <>

    Pavithra Harsha
    Principal Research Scientist
    IBM Research
    Yorktown Heights NY