INFORMS Open Forum

Neuro-operations management Symposium

  • 1.  Neuro-operations management Symposium

    Posted 09-24-2023 07:13
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    Dear colleagues

    Looking forward to the participation of, and collaboration with, SCM/OM practitioners and academics to jointly create "Neuro-operations management" field similar to neuroeconomics and neuromarketing, which have already seen massive adoption by the industry. This symposium should be particularly relevant to those working at the intersection of AI/ML and OM/SCM. 

    Participation is free, and online or in person (with accommodation and meals covered for selected authors), but registration is essential. 

    Background material and attached flyer for full details. 

    Dr. T T Niranjan
    Associate Professor
    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
    South Asia Regional Editor, The Journal of Supply Chain Management


    IPOSCM 2023 flyer.pdf   1.23 MB 1 version