INFORMS Open Forum

Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Call for Papers Multiobjective Optimization on a Budget

  • 1.  Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Call for Papers Multiobjective Optimization on a Budget

    Posted 05-05-2024 06:17

    Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Call for Papers
    Multiobjective Optimization on a Budget

    Guest Editors:
    Richard Allmendinger (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
    Serpil Sayin (Koç University, Turkey)
    Margaret M. Wiecek (Clemson University, United States)

    Submission deadline: September 30, 2024

    Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis is looking for studies that propose multiobjective optimization (MO) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) models, methods, and applications to problems featuring limited resources for decision making. Since MO and MCDA provide optimization-based tools to address decision-making problems under conflicting objectives, they have a myriad of applications in all areas of human activity ranging from business and management to engineering. It is desirable to continue to make both these disciplines of science useful to society as it faces complex decision-making problems and experiences limited resources for decision making. Of interest are processes that evolve competitively in environments with scarce resources or limited budgets and lead 
    to decision problems that are characterized by multiple, incommensurate, and conflicting objectives, and engage multiple decision-makers at multiple levels. One of the underlying reasons for having a limited budget is that a fast-paced competitive business market requires 
    decision-making processes to be carried out faster, cheaper and less resource intense. This Special Issue will focus on three major types of resource limitations: (i) methodological (e.g., number of function or solution evaluations, dimension of the tradeoff space); (ii) 
    technical and numerical: (e.g., computation time, energy consumption, memory limits); (iii) human-related (e.g., decision maker's availability and responsiveness, limit on the cognitive load). The effect of these limitations on optimization and decision-making quality, as well as methods to quantify and mitigate this influence, are of particular interest. We invite original research contributions to the theory, computation, and practice of MO and MCDA that address decision-making under limited resources. Applications within engineering design, portfolio optimization, supply chain or other areas may serve as motivation for the studies.

    In particular, the topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
    - reduction of decision-making models
    - decomposition of decision-making models
    - representation of solution sets 
    - coordination-based optimization 
    - Bayesian optimization
    - simulation optimization
    - surrogate optimization
    - multi-stage optimization
    - experiment-based optimization
    - preference acquisition 
    - benchmarking of algorithms

    All researchers worldwide working on the topics indicated above are invited to contribute to this Special Issue. The submitted papers should comply with the aims and scope of Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Authors should follow the Author Guidelines of the 
    journal and submit their high-quality manuscript via the Wiley online submission system by September 30, 2024. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The results included in the manuscripts shall be reproducible by others. The submitted manuscripts will be sent to reviewers as they arrive but the editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that does not present a high level of scholarship before the manuscript is sent to reviewers. Papers accepted for publication are made available electronically before the Special Issue is published. 

    Further inquiries can be sent to the Guest Editors: Richard Allmendinger (, Serpil Sayin (, and Margaret M. Wiecek (

    Margaret M. Wiecek
    Clemson University
    Clemson SC