INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  ISS March Newsletter

    Posted 03-14-2024 23:24
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    Dear Members of the ISS Community,

    We are excited to announce the release of our ISS newsletter for March 2024. Please find the attachment, which is also available and archived on our ISS website at Newsletters - Information Systems Society. If you have future relevant events and news to share with the community, kindly contact Newsletter Editor Ian Ho ( Thank you. 


    Biz Ai Conference
    Date: March 29–31, 2024.
    Location: Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas
    Regular registration is still open.

    Theory in Economics of Information Systems (TEIS)
    Date: May 10–12, 2024
    Location: Seattle, WA.
    Early registration deadline is March 20, 2024.

    Symposium on Statistical Challenges in E-Commerce Research (SCECR)
    Date: June 19–21, 2024
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal
    Early registration deadline is April 30, 2024.

    Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)
    Date: October 19–20, 2024
    Location: Seattle, WA
    Paper submission will be available on May 15, 2024.

    INFORMS ISS Cluster
    This year's ISS Cluster Co-Chairs are Rohit Aggarwal, Ian Ho, Yixin Lu, Harpreet Singh, and Wen Wen. Please contact the co-chairs if you want to organize a session or present in INFORMS this year.

    New ISS Initiatives at CIST
    ISS will organize and support two new events at CIST this year.

    • ISS Doctoral Consortium
      The ISS Doctoral Consortium will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024, in conjunction with CIST. Nina Huang and Subodha Kumar will be chairing the event. Please stay tuned for updates.

    • ISR/ISS Early Career Workshop
      ISR EIC Suprateek Sarker will be chairing the workshop, which will be held at the same time as the Doctoral Consortium on Friday, October 18, 2024.


    The following ISS members are running for the 2024 AIS Council Officers. The election is now open and will close on March 31. We sincerely encourage all ISS members who are also AIS members to support and vote at

    ·         Dr. Dorothy E. Leidner, University of Virginia, AIS President-Elect

    ·         Dr. Ting Li, Erasmus University, Vice President of Education

    ·         Dr. Sunil Mithas, University of South Florida, AIS President-Elect

    Please find the statements from the candidates as follows.

    Dr. Dorothy E. Leidner

    The Association for Information Systems is vital to the identity, recognition, and continuity of the IS discipline. I believe strongly in the importance of a flourishing AIS. There are three initiatives I would like to address as president-elect:

    1. An initiative to increase the visibility and reputation of the IS discipline and AIS journals to outside constituencies, including business school deans worldwide and to ranking organizations. With research on digital technology and AI being pervasive across academic fields, AIS needs to play an active role in shaping the distinction of the IS discipline.
    2.  An initiative to promote the forging of stronger bonds with practitioner associations in the three AIS regions with the aim of establishing bridges between AIS academic members and IS practitioners. The initiative would entail promoting major findings published in AIS journals to the practitioner associations and creating small community forums of interested practitioners and academics.
    3.  An initiative to encourage greater sustainability-logistical, financial, and environmental-of AIS conferences.  With the number of submissions to conferences constantly rising, and the burden on reviewers becoming untenable, we need to consider ways to streamline reviewing processes including potential roles of Generative AI in conference paper reviewing. In addition, because of the large overhead involved in planning four major conferences a year, it is important to consider ways to ensure the financial viability of AIS conferences and to offer meaningful virtual attendance experiences to AIS members.

    Dr. Ting Li

    As a candidate for Vice President of Education in AIS, I am driven by a passion for advancing Information Systems education. My key priorities include:

    • I aim to champion the creation and endorsement of innovative IS curricula. These curricula will be tailored to meet current industry demands while proactively adapting to future technological trends, ensuring our graduates are well-prepared for the evolving digital landscape.
    • I plan to actively engage with educational leaders and accreditation bodies to promote the importance of IS education worldwide. My experience in digital strategy and transformation education equips me to effectively lead these conversations.
    • Monitoring trends in IS education, including enrollments and employment conditions, is crucial. I intend to use my insights from executive education and integrating real-world business challenges into curricula to enhance global IS education.
    • Enhancing student involvement in AIS activities, supporting student chapters, and recognizing academic excellence are vital. I believe in the transformative impact of student engagement in our field.

    If elected, I will continue building on the innovative teaching methods and real-world engagements I have integrated into our programs, bringing a new perspective to AIS. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute significantly to IS education as your Vice President of Education.

    Dr. Sunil Mithas

    Emerging technologies such as AI are creating new waves of innovations with all the opportunities and challenges that come with such technological changes. As AIS members, we have a unique opportunity to shape conversations and engage with policymakers and practitioners to create an informed discourse on how to manage emerging technologies to serve all. I view my role to empower unheard or under-heard voices and provide an inclusive platform to all those who share AIS mission to advance knowledge and practice of information systems. Although we have many laudable initiatives to give voice to underrepresented communities, I will bring sharper focus on the ones that have high promise in terms of demonstrable desirable outcomes with concrete actions and metrics and find ways and resources to support them through academic and industry partners. In my fiduciary role, I look forward to contributing to continuing growth with excellence in AIS' operations to ensure financial viability while providing meaningful value and services to current and future members. Finally, I look forward to advancing conversations on how we can create meaningful opportunities for all IS scholars to engage with AIS journals, and conferences, and wherever possible create synergies with other associations such as INFORMS to improve our collective impact as we engage in scholarly pursuits. Just as we tell managers to rethink strategy, governance and operations as technologies create new opportunities, I hope to bring that spirit to AIS as well in how we create value for our members to create win-win for all.

    Yi-Jen (Ian) Ho
    Associate Professor
    A. B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University
