INFORMS Open Forum

Invitation to organize and co-sponsor DEI-related sessions for the INFORMS Annual Meeting

  • 1.  Invitation to organize and co-sponsor DEI-related sessions for the INFORMS Annual Meeting

    Posted 02-21-2023 12:36

    The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee invites you to organize and chair a session for the DEI cluster. The sessions can address technical, educational, and other problems in the DEI space. If you are interested, please email Ruben Proano ( before March 10.   

    Additionally, the DEIC would like to help highlight other clusters' DEI topics at this year's INFORMS Annual Meeting. We aim to bring more visibility to the importance of DEI by co-sponsoring DEI-related sessions within each cluster. 


    If you have already agreed to organize a session or submitted an abstract, please ask your cluster or session chair to consider co-sponsoring your session with DEIC.

    Thank you,

    Ruben Proano 

    (on behalf of the DEI Committee)


    Dr. Ruben Proano
    Associate Professor
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Rochester NY