INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 06-30-2022 14:39
    I know a lot of people have vacations coming up and it's always fun to read a good book while relaxing on the beach or wherever you might be... Any recommendations you'd like to share?

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD

  • 2.  RE: Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 07-01-2022 06:52
    I am currently reading two books. One fiction and one non fiction.
    1. The first book that I am reading is Crashed by Adam Tooze. Its a book on the impact of the financial crisis of 2008. I came across this book because of a recent profile of the author by New York Magazine.
    2. The second book that I am reading is All System Red by Martha Wells which is about a Robot which gains intelligence. Its pretty funny. Very enjoyable. 

    Kartikey Sharma
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Zuse Institute Berlin

  • 3.  RE: Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 07-01-2022 09:01
    My daughter went off to college last fall, and one of the books in her Intro to Political Science class was The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates.  Copying shamelessly from the Amazon description, which I can hardly equal:  " The Invisible Hook takes readers inside the wily world of late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century pirates. With swashbuckling irreverence and devilish wit, Peter Leeson uncovers the hidden economics behind pirates' notorious, entertaining, and sometimes downright shocking behavior. Why did pirates fly flags of Skull & Bones? Why did they create a "pirate code"? Were pirates really ferocious madmen?".   I learned a lot about not just piracy (most of what I thought I knew was wrong,) but the era and region in general, and some political economy as well - and it's just a fun and very interesting read.  

    John Bowman
    Director, Data Science / Distinguished Data Scientist
    Walmart, Inc.
    El Cerrito CA

  • 4.  RE: Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 07-01-2022 09:16
    Yes, John, piracy is very interesting.  I spent a career teaching at a maritime school, and piracy was even today a big topic.  

    My recent read was The Pirate Queen, a book about Queen Elizabeth I of England, and how she had to depend on 'pirates' for income.  Their pillages of the Spanish treasure ships coming from the New World funded the English government and wars.  But in England, they were called 'merchants'.  The leaders, like Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh, were mostly second sons of noble families.  The first son got the estate. The second son had to make his own way, so many became 'merchants'.

    The high seas of those days were the wild west of later times.  It turns out that Elizabeth I could not have survived as a ruler, and England as a nation, had there not been the income from piracy.  She got a share, like one-sixth, of takings of the pirates, because she gave them 'letters of marque' which gave them her permission to do some raiding.  Sometimes, though, she didn't give the letters, but she got a percentage anyway.

    The Pirate Queen

    Bruce Hartman
    University of St Francis and Califormia State University Maritime
    Tucson, AZ United States

  • 5.  RE: Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 07-01-2022 17:01
    I am more into fiction. I'm reading a book called Anxious People.

    It sounds like a personal development book, but it is actually a novel. It's one of the best sellers and I really laughed out loud at some parts. It's about a bank robbery going wrong. The boundaries between the hostages and the robber become very vague and sometimes the roles may interchange. 

    While the book is dealing with dark topics about our common humanity, it is very heart-warming, optimistic, and funny about it. It's made for a beach read. Netflix has made a series about it but I watched the first episode and it doesn't do justice to the book.

    Ayca Altay
    Rutgers University
    Princeton NJ

  • 6.  RE: Fun Post - Read any good books lately?

    Posted 07-01-2022 22:57
    Recently read a novel called "The Sense of an Ending" by Julian Barnes. It's a beautifully written account of one person telling the story of his friends. The story revolves around inaccuracies of memory while Tony recalls all the incidents in his life related to his friend Adrian. The writing is smooth; no wonder it is a Booker Prize winner. If you're looking for suspense, definitely check it out. At ~150 pages, it's not very demanding.

    M Harshvardhan