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Free access IISE Transactions article: "Rebooting Simulation" by Barry Nelson

  • 1.  Free access IISE Transactions article: "Rebooting Simulation" by Barry Nelson

    Posted 12-13-2023 09:23

    Dr. Barry Nelson of Northwestern University recently contributed a perspective article to IISE Transactions, entitled "Rebooting Simulation." The article is now published online and will appear in print in the April 2024 Issue of IISE Transactions.  The article is free access from now on and throughout 2024.

    In the article, Barry recaps the history and development of computer simulation in industrial engineering and argue that "it is time to reboot simulation for industrial engineering" in the era of big data and big computing and for simulation to play a consequential role in model-based decisions. The 2023 Winter Simulation Conference is about to finish this year's gathering in San Antonio Texas.  I thought it is fitting to bring this article to your attention.  Hope you enjoy reading it.

    Yu Ding, Ph.D.
    Editor in Chief, IISE Transactions
    Anderson-Interface Chair and Professor
    H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    755 Ferst Drive NW | Atlanta | Georgia 30332-0205
    Office: Groseclose 346 | 404-894-7562 | |