INFORMS Open Forum

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Feeling creative today?

  • 1.  Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-12-2022 14:28

    We are super excited to share that we are working with a vendor on a branding project for INFORMS that will include a tag line. Thank you to those members who have participated in interviews and focus groups so far, and we'll be sending out a survey in the new year for all of your feedback.


    But I was wondering, if you were tasked with creating a tag line for INFORMS so that potential members who have never heard of INFORMS would know what we do just from looking at the logo with the tag line, what would it say?


    Below are some examples of other associations, so you get the idea of how the logo and the tag line work together. Please respond to this thread, sometimes just a word will spark an idea for someone else. Thank you and have fun.




    Mary Leszczynski
    Director, Marketing

  • 2.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 08:40
    Where data write the stories
    Where data tell the story

    Loraine Coleman
    Exhibits & Meetings Manager
    Catonsville MD

  • 3.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 09:24
    Making decisions better
    Making decisions analytically
    Math-y, but fun

    Okay, maybe not the last one -- we don't need SIAM, MAA etc. ganging up on us.

    Paul Rubin
    Professor Emeritus
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI

  • 4.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 14:07
    Thanks Paul!

    Mary Leszczynski
    Director, Marketing

  • 5.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 10:12
    Edited by Irvin Lustig 12-14-2022 10:18
    I appreciate that INFORMS is doing this strategic project for deciding on a brand for INFORMS.

    IMHO, INFORMS should first decide what we use as a label for the type of work we do (could be OR, OR/MS, Data Science, Analytics, AI, Decision Science, Science of Better or something else), and then worry about a tag line for the organization.  If a decision is made to use "Data Science", or "Decision Analytics", "AI", or "Decision Science" in the INFORMS tag line, then you've restricted the particular label that is used for the field.  The strategic goal is to "Champion our profession and our brand".  We need to first tag the profession, then tag the INFORMS brand.

    Having said that, here are some suggestions.

    Advancing Data Science for Better Decisions
    The Home for Decision Analytics
    The Center for Practical AI
    Experts in Decision Science

    -Irv Lustig
    Optimization Principal
    Princeton Consultants

  • 6.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 14:08
    Thanks Irv, appreciate your thoughts and suggestions!

    Mary Leszczynski
    Director, Marketing

  • 7.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-14-2022 09:02
    Thanks, Irv.  I agree with your point - figure out how to describe the work we do (and the work INFORMS members will be doing in the future - broadly enough that it does not need to be changed every few years).

    Related to this, I have a question:  Is the objective of our work the analytics or the decisions and actions that result from that work?  I believe even the decisions have a larger purpose, namely to drive our "systems" to better results.  I continue to think about "planning", "decision support", even budgeting and "digital twins" as means to get to better control of the related  systems.  If that is the case, then why don't I see a lot of research about control systems, control theory, and the like? (or, am I just not looking in the right places?).


    Duncan Klett

  • 8.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-14-2022 09:51
    I agree with you Irvin. To enhance INFORMS' mission and vision is what tag line needed. 
    There's a big group of people joined INFORMS for OR, Management Science etc, although involving data, but I feel we should have something that can contain these areas. 
    I like the ideas with keywords "data-driven", or "decision", instead of concentrating on "data/AI/ML/Analytics" too much.

    Shannon Shang
    Lead Data Analyst
    Enovation Controls

  • 9.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 14:51
    INFORMS - Informed Decisions for a Better World

    Erick Wikum
    Maineville OH

  • 10.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-13-2022 15:03
    Data-Driven Decision-Making

    Robert Saltzman
    Professor, Decision Sciences
    San Francisco State University
    Redwood City CA

  • 11.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-14-2022 09:45
    A suggestion on the tagline for our association, after carefully assessing the scope of "Informs":

    "Transforming the World through data driven decision making".

    "The home of informed decisions through data"

    "Impacting the world of decisions through data driven technology"

    "Imperative decisions from informed data technology".

    "Technology with equipped data driven decisions"
    " A world of data and effective business decisions making"

    Would be glad to receive feedbacks on this suggested tagline.

    Thank you.

    Oluwaseyi Ijogun
    Georgia Southern University
    Statesboro GA
    (912) 606 0691

    Oluwaseyi Ijogun
    Georgia Southern University
    Statesboro GA
    (912) 606 0691

  • 12.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-14-2022 10:40
    Thanks Oluwaseyi! You get bonus points for your many suggestions. ;)

    Mary Leszczynski
    Director, Marketing

  • 13.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-17-2022 08:16
    INFORMS - Better Decisions 
    INFORMS - Better Decisions through Analytics
    INFORMS - Better Decisions Using Analytics
    INFORMS - Better Decisions through Data Science
    If we had only two words to emphasize our profession it would be "better decisions" or "better decision-making".
    "Analytics" or "Data Science" may be the best popular term for what we do.

    Artificial Intelligence may be both smaller and bigger than what we do. In a Venn diagram, AI intersects analytics.

    John Milne
    Clarkson University
    Potsdam, NY

  • 14.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-18-2022 04:35
    Edited by Andrew Acosta 12-18-2022 05:33
    I like

    1. Better Decisions through Analytics
    2. Better Decisions through Data Science
    3. Informing Decisions for Better

    I prefer keeping the name INFORMS out of the tag line.

    Not very creative, but here is my $0.02
    Home of Operations Research

    Andrew Acosta
    Data Scientist
    Milesius Capital Resources LLC
    Chicago IL

  • 15.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-14-2022 09:12
    Informing better decisions,
    informing decisions for better.

    Matthew Ferguson
    Senior Operations Research Analyst
    United States Army Human Resources Command
    Elizabethtown KY

  • 16.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 04-12-2023 21:38


    I waited until this thread got stale before replying.  Since I first read it, I very much liked Matthew Ferguson's suggestion:

    "Informing better decisions,
    informing decisions for better."

    My opinion hasn't changed with months of reflection. Why? With just seven words (technically, four unique words)...
    (1) It states the first-order effect of our research and analyses:  "better decisions".
    (2) It states the second-order effect of our research and analyses:  "decisions for better". Therein, it recognizes the service aspect of our profession, allowing for open interpretation of "for better" to include the various noble motivations of our colleagues.  
    (3) It reinforces INFORMS and its association with both of these aspects, (cleverly) starting each line with "informing"
    (4) It doesn't try to list the various, related disciplines (e.g., OR, IE, SE, applied stats, data science, ML, analytics) that coalesce with common purpose in our institute.  By avoiding this, the statement is inclusive.

    Since I haven't seen the survey Mary mentioned, I wanted to bring attention back to this discussion and to Matthew's suggestion, specifically. 

    All the best,
    Professor & Associate Head
    Department of Operations Research
    Graduate School of Engineering & Management
    Air Force Institute of Technology

  • 17.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 12-17-2022 08:53
    INFORMS: Better Decisions for A Better World

    Ziteng Wang
    Assistant Professor
    Northern Illinois Universtiy
    Dekalb IL

  • 18.  RE: Feeling creative today?

    Posted 04-15-2023 15:14

    Like Brian, I am most fond of the idea of Matthew:

    Informing better decisions
    A slight variant would be INFORMing better decisions, but I think informing better decisions is better than INFORMing.

    John Milne
    Clarkson University
    Potsdam, NY