INFORMS Open Forum

Exploring Diversity and Opportunity in STEM Through Virtual Engagement

  • 1.  Exploring Diversity and Opportunity in STEM Through Virtual Engagement

    Posted 11-06-2023 02:38
    Edited by Himanish Prakash 11-06-2023 02:41

    Hi all - I was reviewing the Diversity Blogs and I found the one titled 'STEM Outreach in a Virtual World'  Link(

    Summary: The blog post details an initiative by the University of Southern California's Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society, led by Dr. Phebe Vayanos and PhD students Aida Rahmattalabi and Caroline Johnston. The team aimed to introduce high school students from underrepresented backgrounds to operations research (OR) and artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing societal problem-solving. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the event successfully transitioned to a virtual format, leveraging to facilitate interaction and learning.


    Personal Reflection: The initiative closely mirrors my own experiences, where an early introduction to AI/OR revealed the profound impact these fields can have on societal changes. Like these students, my first exposure to OR was through an event that highlighted its practical applications, which was a pivotal moment in choosing my career path. While online platforms offer a unique opportunity to connect and engage, I believe a hybrid approach could combine the best of both worlds-providing the broad accessibility of virtual formats with the tangible, personal connections that come from in-person interactions.


    Contrast: One difference in my experience was the mode of delivery. My introduction was through in-person workshops, which had their own set of challenges and benefits compared to the virtual engagement that these students experienced.


    Discussion Invitation: This event underscores the importance of early exposure to STEM fields for students from diverse backgrounds. How can we continue to foster these connections in a post-pandemic world? Is there a balance we can strike between virtual and in-person engagements to maintain inclusivity while also providing rich, interactive experiences? I'd love to hear your thoughts and any similar experiences you've had.

    Himanish Prakash
    UC davis
    San Francisco CA