INFORMS Open Forum

Congratulations to INFORMS Optimization Society Newly Elected Officers

  • 1.  Congratulations to INFORMS Optimization Society Newly Elected Officers

    Posted 10-07-2023 15:52

    Dear colleagues,

    We would like to thank you all who have participated in the INFORMS Optimization Society's officer election.

    Warm congratulations to the following newly elected officers!

    Chair-elect: Jeff Linderoth (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

    Vice-chair Computational optimization and software: Bartolomeo Stellato (Princeton University)

    Vice-chair Integer and combinatorial optimization: Aleksandr Kazachkov (University of Florida)

    Vice-chair Linear and conic optimization: Haihao (Sean) Lu (University of Chicago)

    Vice-chair Network optimization: Jim Ostrowski (University of Tennessee) 

    Secretary/Treasurer: Shiqian Ma (Rice University)

    Hope to see you soon in the IOS business meeting on Monday Oct 16, 6:30-7:30 pm during INFORMS annual meeting in Phoenix.

    Best regards,

    Andy Sun

    IOS Secretary/Treasure

    Iberdrola-Avangrid Associate Professor

    MIT Sloan School of Management

    Andy Sun
    Associate Professor
    Cambridge MA