INFORMS Open Forum

CFP - CWEIST 2024 Submission Deadline Extended to May 4, 2024

  • 1.  CFP - CWEIST 2024 Submission Deadline Extended to May 4, 2024

    Posted 04-18-2024 00:59

    The 6th China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory (CWEIST 2024) will be held in Xiamen, China, on June 27-28, 2024, in conjunction with CSWIM 2024.

    The purpose of CWEIST is to bring together a community of scholars in China and around the world with a shared interest in using analytical modeling to study issues in the field of information systems and its intersections with other fields. We hope this summer workshop will become a unique forum for this community to exchange ideas, hone our skills, and form new collaborations across geographical boundaries.

    We invite submissions of original completed and research-in-progress papers that use analytical modeling (e.g., game-theoretic and mathematical models) to address IS and related issues. The workshop features hour-long extended-length presentations with assigned expert discussants. In this year, CWEIST will also feature a Pre-workshop Consortium that offers a unique networking and professional development opportunity for CWEIST participants.

    Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and selected for inclusion by workshop co-chairs. CWEIST does not claim copyright for any accepted submissions and will not produce formal proceedings or post/distribute any submissions. For more information about the workshop, please visit the workshop website at or join the WeChat group CWEIST.

    Important Dates

    ·          Deadline for paper submission: April 20, 2024 May 4, 2024

    ·          Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2024 May 19, 2024

    ·          Pre-workshop consortium: Afternoon of June 27, 2024 (In-person).

    ·          Main workshop: June 28, 2024 (In-person)

    Submission Instructions

    All submissions must be in English. The accepted file formats include Microsoft Word and PDF. The workshop accepts both completed and work-in-progress papers. Please indicate on the first page whether the paper is a "completed paper" or "research-in-progress" and whether the paper is student-authored. Completed papers should be no longer than 40 pages (double-spaced, everything included). Work-in-progress papers should be no longer than 20 pages (double-spaced, everything included).

    Submissions are accepted online at:

    Please note that the Pre-workshop Consortium does not require a submission. Instead, you will indicate your intent to participate as part of the registration process.

    Pre-Workshop Consortium

    The Pre-Workshop Consortium offers a unique networking and professional development opportunity for CWEIST participants. Through round table discussions guided by mentors, this event fosters an atmosphere of collaboration and offers participants valuable feedback, expanded networks, new ideas, and potential collaboration opportunities. The consortium will set up different tables, with each table hosted by one or two experienced scholars as mentors. The consortium will proceed in a few sessions, with participants moving to a different table after each session (while the mentors stay at the same table) to maximize networking opportunities.

    We especially encourage Ph.D. students and junior faculty to participate in the Pre-workshop Consortium as it will provide an excellent opportunity for you to network with established scholars and peer participants, and allows you to quickly gather feedback and advice on your work. To make the consortium efficient, we encourage each participant to prepare a "One-Minute Elevator Pitch" about your research and a list of questions for mentors and peer participants.

    The Pre-workshop consortium will start at 2 pm on June 27 and last through the afternoon. There is no submission requirement for the consortium, but registration is required for participation. More details about registration, mentors, and agenda will be released soon.


    ·         Xiamen Wutong Fliport Hotel (Workshop Hotel), Address: NO.2496 Huandao East Road, Huli District, Xiamen, Fujian, China

    ·         厦门佰翔五通酒店(会议酒店)地址: 福建省厦门市湖里区环岛东路2496

    For details and hotel booking, please visit the CSWIM venue page:

    You can reach the workshop co-chairs by sending your inquiry to


    For detailed instructions on the workshop registration, please refer to the workshop website:

    Min Chen
    Associate Professor
    George Mason University
    Fairfax VA