INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Presentations at Innovative Applications of Analytics in Healthcare Session at INFORMS 2024

  • 1.  Call for Presentations at Innovative Applications of Analytics in Healthcare Session at INFORMS 2024

    Posted 05-08-2024 22:58
    Dear Colleagues,

    Apologies for cross-posting.
    We are organizing an invited session titled Innovative Applications of Analytics in Healthcare at the INFORMS annual meeting 2024, October 20-23. If you are interested in giving a presentation on this topic or any related areas, please contact me at Please feel free to distribute this call to anyone who may be interested.
    We look forward to having you as a presenter in our session.
    Thank you.
    Bahareh Kargar
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Newark NJ

    Bahareh Kargar
    New Jersey Institute of Technolog
    Newark NJ