INFORMS Open Forum

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 19th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics October 19, 2024, Seattle, WA

  • 1.  CALL FOR PAPERS: The 19th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics October 19, 2024, Seattle, WA

    Posted 04-03-2024 13:52
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    The 19th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics

    October 19, 2024, Seattle, WA

    Organized by INFORMS Data Mining (DM) Society

    The Data Mining Society of INFORMS is organizing the 19th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics on Oct 19, 2024, the day before the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting. You are cordially invited to attend the workshop and present your recent research on data mining, decision analytics, and artificial intelligence. 

    To participate in the Workshop, a full paper must be submitted by the deadline of August 8, 2024, for consideration. All accepted papers are automatically considered for the DMDA Workshop best paper competition, either in the theoretical track or in the applied research tracks, according to the presenters' specifications. The winner and runner-ups will be announced at the Workshop and recommended for fast-track submission to the INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS).

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Applied Data Analytics

    • Optimization and Decision-Making

    • Simulation

    • Network, Graph, and Web Analysis

    • Bayesian Data Analytics

    • Longitudinal Data Analysis

    • Causal Inference

    • Anomaly Detection

    • Reliability & Maintenance

    • Ethics, Privacy, Security, and Fairness

    • Text Mining & Natural Language Processing

    • Generative AI & Large Language Models



    • Jun 1: Paper submission begins            

    • August 8, Paper submission close

    • September 1:  Final review decision

    • September 14: Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics registration deadline


    Papers submission guideline

    • Maximum of 10 pages (including abstract, tables, figures, and references)

    • Single-spacing and 11-point font with one-inch margins on four sides

    • Papers must be submitted via this link. Submissions must be submitted on time to be considered for further review.

    • Participation is exclusive to INFORMS DMS members, and finalists or previous winners are welcome to present again in the workshop but are excluded from consideration in the best paper competition.

    • Copyright: The DM workshop will not retain the copyrights on the papers; so, the authors are free to submit their papers to other outlets.


    DM Workshop Co-Chairs


    Shixiang Woody Zhu
    Assistant Professor
    Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh PA