INFORMS Open Forum

Call for papers: 2024 BOM Best Working Paper Competition

  • 1.  Call for papers: 2024 BOM Best Working Paper Competition

    Posted 04-01-2024 22:34
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    2024 INFORMS BOM Section Best Working Paper Competition

    The goal of this competition is to highlight the best working papers in the area of Behavioral Operations. The awards will be given annually at the INFORMS Annual meeting and will recognize papers as follows: 

    ·       First prize (recognized with a virtual certificate, and a $500 prize) 

    ·       Second prize (recognized with a virtual certificate) 

    ·       2 honorable mentions (recognized with a virtual certificate) 

    The award recipients will be invited to present their papers at a special session at the INFORMS Annual meeting. <u1:p></u1:p>


    Eligibility criteria: 

    ·       A submission must be in the domain of behavioral operations. To be considered, papers need to meet three primary criteria: (a) at least potentially allow human decision makers to deviate from hyper-rational behavior; (b) examine behavior within an operations context; (c) focus on a micro-level of analysis.  

    ·       As of the date of submission the paper must not be accepted for publication. Also, the paper must not have been submitted to a prior INFORMS BOM Best Working Paper Competition unless it has been substantially revised from prior submission(s).   

    ·       The format should be consistent with the manuscript preparation guidelines of Management Science or a similar journal if applicable.   

    ·       At least one of the authors of the paper must be a member of the INFORMS BOM Section. If unsure how to join, see  

    ·       The authors of each submitted paper must agree to serve as "referees" for up to three other papers submitted for the competition. 

    ·       If in doubt on any of the eligibility criteria, please contact the Competition Committee Chair, Rafael Escamilla, at

    <u1:p> </u1:p>

    A working paper is a full paper that is nearly ready to undergo or is in the process of undergoing peer review. The paper is not yet published, but it is complete. That means, for instance, that proposals or short papers without a full round of results are not within the scope of the competition.<u1:p></u1:p>


    Award recipients' selection procedure: 

    ·       Ultimately, the award recipients will be selected by a three-person Competition Committee, which consists of the Chair, Committee Member, and Honorary Committee Member.  

    ·       To inform its opinion, the Committee will seek up to three "referee" reports for each submission. The referees will be selected to minimize the conflict of interest with the authors and will include other BOM section members and/or researchers in this domain. To the extent possible, anonymous referee comments will be returned for each submission. 

    ·       If a submission has a substantial conflict of interest with a member of the awards committee, the other committee members will primarily handle the entry, assign referees, and evaluate the submission. Should the submission be recommended as a finalist by the remaining two committee members, the BOM Section President (or designee) will assist in evaluating and/or ranking the finalists.    

    ·       The 2024 Awards Committee consists of: <u1:p></u1:p>

    ·       Ignacio Rios (The University of Texas at Dallas), Competition Committee Chair<u1:p></u1:p>

    ·       Rafael Escamilla (Arizona State University), Committee Member and Previous Chair <u1:p></u1:p>

    ·       Jordan Tong (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Honorary Committee Member <u1:p></u1:p>

    ·       One of the members of the winning team will be selected as the new Competition Committee Chair, and the current Chair will serve as next year's committee member. You can contact the Competition Committee Chair at with any questions. <u1:p></u1:p>


    Submit your paper using this <u1:p></u1:p>link with the following information: 

    ·       Blinded PDF copy of your paper with all appendices, tables, graphs, etc.  

    ·       Names of all authors, their email addresses, and affiliations. 

    ·       Names of 5 referees with whom the authors have minimal conflict of interest. Please exclude both the awards committee and BOM Section President. 

    Deadline for submissions is June 16th, 2024. 

    Ignacio Rios
    Assistant Professor
    The University of Texas at Dallas
    Richardson TX