INFORMS Open Forum

Announcing the 2024 POMS ARC winners

  • 1.  Announcing the 2024 POMS ARC winners

    Posted 05-03-2024 00:00

    We are proud to announce the first place and finalists of the 6th POMS Applied Research Challenge (see below). The competition was a success. The call for papers for the 7th edition of the competition will be announced later this year. Stay tuned.

    First Place:

    Designing Layouts for Sequential Experiences: Application to Cultural Institutions

    Ali Aouad (London Business School)

    Abhishek Deshmane (Georgia Institute of Technology)

    Victor Martinez-de-Albeniz (IESE Business School)


    Food Subsidies at the Base-of-the-Pyramid: Take-up, Substitution Effects and Nutrition

    Ali Aouad (London Business School)

    Alp Sungu (London Business School)

    Kamalini Ramdas (London Business School)

    Redesigning Harvesting Processes and Improving Working Conditions in Agribusiness

    Saurabh Bansal (Penn State)

    Phil Coles (Lehigh University)

    Dongsheng Li (Penn State)

    Karthik Natrajan (University of Minnesota)

    Felipe Caro
    UCLA Anderson School of Management
    Los Angeles CA