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Analytics for X 2023 - Extended Deadline!!

  • 1.  Analytics for X 2023 - Extended Deadline!!

    Posted 10-15-2023 22:24
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    Dear All,  

    Greetings from NUS Institute of Operations Research and Analytics (IORA)! 

    You are cordially invited to attend the Analytics for X Conference this year, which will be held at the NUS Chongqing Research Institute (NUSRI-CQ) from 9 – 10 December 2023.  

    We have received numerous requests for Extending the deadline for Abstract Submission. Though we have already received an overwhelming number of good abstracts, we would like to respect the requests and provide an extension of the deadline to the 25th Oct 2023.

    Analytics for X is an annual conference that aims to promote research, scientific exchange, and best industrial practices in the areas of operations research and analytics. This year, our conference focuses on topics of Supply Chain and Social Good.   

    For more information, please see the attached poster and 

    Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!  


    Yours sincerely,  

    Analytics for X Organizing Committee  

    Institute of Operations Research and Analytics
    National University of Singapore

    Rajeeva Moorthy
    Sr. Research Fellow