INFORMS Open Forum

3rd Call for Participation, MOPTA 2024 (Conference, iMOPTA, AIMMS, and Special Issue), Lehigh University, August 14-16

  • 1.  3rd Call for Participation, MOPTA 2024 (Conference, iMOPTA, AIMMS, and Special Issue), Lehigh University, August 14-16

    Posted 04-18-2024 20:18
    Edited by Tommaso Giovannelli 05-29-2024 18:10
    The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Lehigh University invites you to contribute to the Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) 2024 Conference, which will take place at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA on August 14-16, 2024, and to participate in the iMOPTA Workshop and in the AIMMS/MOPTA Competition
    Distinguished MOPTA Plenary Speakers
    Miguel Anjos (University of Edinburgh), Harbir Antil (George Mason University), Edward Farhi (MIT), Dorit S. Hochbaum (University of California, Berkeley), Pinar Keskinocak (Georgia Tech), Madeleine Udell (Stanford University), René Vidal (University of Pennsylvania)
    The Industrial Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (iMOPTA) 2024 is a new half-day satellite workshop created to present and discuss industrial innovation and the research behind it, and to connect industry and academia more actively. A number of invited industrial partners and academicians will present needs from the industry and applied academic research. The inaugural iMOPTA will take place in the afternoon of August 16, 2024.
    16th AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition
    The case study for the 16th AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition is available at
    MOPTA 2024 OPTE Special Issue 
    Selected contributions will be published in a Special Issue of the Optimization and Engineering (OPTE) journal. The call for papers is available at and
    MOPTA and iMOPTA Poster Sessions and Competitions 
    For the MOPTA Poster Session, we invite submissions that address significant research problems in both theoretical and applied aspects of continuous and discrete optimization. For the iMOPTA Poster Session, we welcome industry-oriented research and student projects that focus on industrial innovation and discuss the research behind it. All posters presented in the MOPTA and iMOPTA Poster Sessions will automatically enter their respective Poster Competitions. 

    Important Dates 
    - MOPTA Conference: August 14-16, 2024
    - Abstract Deadline: Sunday, June 2, 2024
    - iMOPTA Workshop: afternoon of August 16, 2024 
    - OPTE Special Issue Submission Deadline: October 30, 2024
    - Early Registration Deadline: Sunday, June 9, 2024 (All speakers must register by this date)
    - Registration Deadline: Monday, August 5, 2024 (Only on-site registration is allowed after this date
    Attendees of MOPTA and iMOPTA can register at
    Contributed Talks, Invited Talks, and Organized Sessions
    Authors are allowed to submit more than one abstract and give more than one talk. MOPTA conference sessions consist of three 25-minute presentations, including Q&A. Attendees who wish to organize one or more sessions should fill out the form "MOPTA 2024 Session Submission" available at and ask each speaker to submit their abstracts as invited talks.
    For more information, please visit
    We look forward to welcoming you at MOPTA 2024!
    Tommaso Giovannelli,
    Chair of the MOPTA 2024 Committee

    Tommaso Giovannelli
    Postdoctoral Research Associate and Adjunct Faculty
    Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Lehigh University
    Bethlehem PA