INFORMS Open Forum

IOS 2022 Optimization under Uncertainty Cluster; Deadline Jan 31st

  • 1.  IOS 2022 Optimization under Uncertainty Cluster; Deadline Jan 31st

    Posted 01-31-2022 00:25

    Dear Colleagues,

    Apologies for cross-listing. This is the final call for talks and session chairs for the Optimization under Uncertainty Cluster of the 2022 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Greenville, SC, March 13-15, 2022. 

    We are interested in both theory and applications of decision-making under uncertainty, including but not limited to Stochastic Programming, Robust Optimization, Risk Aversion, Distributionally Robust Optimization, Machine Learning, and Reinforcement Learning.

    If you would like to chair a session or give a talk, please enter the information in the relevant tab of: Optimization under Uncertainty following the instructions therein.

    Please note:

    1.     The conference is planned to be fully in person.

    2.     Each session should have 3 to 4 speakers.

    3.     Each speaker can present one or multiple talks. 

    4.     The abstract of each talk should be submitted to

    5.     The deadline for entering your talk into the system is January 31st, 2021. Any talks not in a session will be grouped into sessions under similar themes at that point. You are welcome to form sessions if you see talks that can be grouped together.

    Warm Regards,

    Phebe Vayanos ( and Weijun Xie (

    Phebe Vayanos
    WiSE Gabilan Assistant Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Computer Science
    Associate Director | CAIS Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society |
    University of Southern California | Viterbi School of Engineering
    University Park Campus | Office OHE 310L