INFORMS Open Forum

DAS Webinar April 6: James Dyer and James Smith

  • 1.  DAS Webinar April 6: James Dyer and James Smith

    Posted 03-31-2022 02:51

    Dear Colleagues and Friends,

    Please join us at the new incoming webinar of the DAS webinar series:

    "Innovations in the Science and Practice of Decision Analysis: The Role of Management Science".




    April 6, 2022

    12 PM ET

    James S. Dyer, McCombs School of Business

    James E. Smith, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College


    Two exceptional speakers, Jim Dyer (University of Texas, Austin) and Jim Smith (Dartmouth College) will help us reflect on research in decision analysis that has appeared in Management Science and its impact on decision analysis practice and applications. They will consider professional applications of decision analysis in business and government settings as well as everyday conversational applications.

    The webinar will be held through the Zoom online platform. To access the link, please open the following webpage:

    and then click on the "Join Webinar here" blue button.

    Please feel free to forward the link to anyone who could be interested among your students, colleagues, departments, etc..

    Looking forward to meeting you all there,


    Emanuele Borgonovo
    President, INFORMS Decision Analysis Society
    Bocconi University, Milano, Italy