INFORMS Open Forum

INFORMS-ENRE Online Scientific Event - 18 November 2021 - Kankar Bhattacharya & Ivan Calero (University of Waterloo)

  • 1.  INFORMS-ENRE Online Scientific Event - 18 November 2021 - Kankar Bhattacharya & Ivan Calero (University of Waterloo)

    Posted 11-10-2021 18:18
    Dear colleagues,

    This is a reminder that our next ENRE online event takes place next week on Thursday November 18, 2021, starting at 15:00 GMT (UK time); see below for more details.

    Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested. For more information and recordings of past seminars, see 

    We hope to see many of you at the event,
    Miguel Anjos and Lars Schewe


    18 November 2021 15:00-16:30 GMT (UK time) | Kankar Bhattacharya & Ivan Calero (University of Waterloo)
    Meeting ID: 870 5043 2463, Passcode: ENRE2021

    Duck-curve Mitigation in Power Grids with High Penetration of PV Generation (Ivan Calero)

    Massive deployment of distributed generation is creating a particular and undesirable shape in the net demand, which deepens at hours of peak solar PV injections at noon and suddenly rises toward the evening, known as the "duck curve". This presentation will discuss the use of pre-cooling strategies in residential households to mitigate the duck-curve effects. To this aim, appropriate thermal models and simulations of houses are first developed and carried out to demonstrate the technical feasibility of pre-cooling in a house with a typical configuration, based on the Smart Residential Load Simulator (SRLS) developed at the University of Waterloo. Then, an aggregation technique is proposed to evaluate the effects on a large grid of different penetration levels of PV, and pre-cooling approaches to manage the duck-curve in California and Texas, USA, concluding that such techniques are capable of substantially flattening the system net demand curve.

    Energy Storage Systems and Demand Response Provisions in Electricity Markets (Kankar Bhattacharya)

    In this presentation, mathematical frameworks and models will be presented that consider the inclusion of demand response (DR) and battery energy storage systems (BESS) in electricity markets. To this effect, appropriate bid/offer structures for DR and ESS provisions will be introduced. A BESS cost function model, considering degradation cost, based on depth of discharge and discharge rate, and Flexibility Cost, in terms of the battery power-to-energy (P/E) ratio, will be discussed. The market settlement models including DR and ESS will consider day-ahead, co-optimizing auctions of DR, energy arbitrage, and spinning reserves, and shall be based on locational marginal pricing, which includes transmission loss representation within the dc power flow constraints. The impacts of DR and ESS on both energy and spinning reserve market prices, market dispatch, line congestions, and other economic indicators, are studied using the IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS), by considering various scenarios and cases.

    Miguel F. Anjos, Ph.D., P.Eng., FHEA, SMIEEE, FEUROPT, FCAE
    President, INFORMS Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE)
    INFORMS VP International Elect
    Chair of Operational Research, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
    Inria International Chair
    Schöller Senior Fellow 2020