INFORMS Open Forum

Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Sales by Four Times Compared to Some Human Employees

  • 1.  Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Sales by Four Times Compared to Some Human Employees

    Posted 09-23-2019 10:14

    CATONSVILLE, MD, September 23, 2019 – Chatbots, which use artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation through voice commands or text chats, incur almost zero marginal costs and can outsell some human employees by four times, so why aren't they used more often? According to new research, the main contributor is customer pushback.

    Service industry outlets like American Eagle Outfitters and Domino's Pizza use chatbots, as well as online services like Amazon and eBay. The machines don't have "bad days" and never get frustrated or tired like humans, and they can save money for consumers, but new research in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science says if customers know about the chatbot before purchasing, sales rates decline by more than 79.7%.

    Click here for full press release.

    Ashley Smith
    Catonsville MD