INFORMS Open Forum

Invitation to organize a session on MCDM at INFORMS 2020

  • 1.  Invitation to organize a session on MCDM at INFORMS 2020

    Posted 03-02-2020 07:42

    Dear MCDM Section Members and all other Lovers of MCDM,

    Once again, it is time to start planning  for the INFORMS  Annual Meeting.  This time, the event will take place in National Harbor, MD, near Washington DC, during November 8-11, 2020.

    As the President of the MCDM Section of INFORMS, I am delighted to be in charge of organizing the MCDM cluster of sessions.  Therefore, I wish to invite and encourage all MCDM researchers to actively participate in the conference and present their work.  Presenting in a cluster provides better visibility and makes the study more accessible to an interested audience.  With the support of Section members, as well as all other MCDM experts, we can create an engaging cluster program that will cover the entire meeting duration. Organizing a session, you will be able to invite people whose research profile fits your idea of the session focus. 

    Please let me know about your intention to organize a session at your earliest convenience

    I  need to submit the names of session chairs to the INFORMS online system by March 18 EST.  Session Chairs may invite speakers until May 1st, and speakers will have to upload abstracts by May 15.  If you plan to present your work but are not certain about session organization, feel free to let me know as well.  I will be more than happy to help coordinate session organization efforts.  

    The Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, MD is a very attractive conference place. National Harbor, MD is a suburb of Washington, DC, located approximately 10 miles from The National Mall in Washington, DC.  More information can be found at the conference website

    I look forward to hearing from many of you soon, and to our strong participation in the meeting in November.

    With all good wishes,

    Roman Slowinski
    INFORMS Fellow
    Poznań University of Technology