INFORMS Open Forum

We need your help to fill out the survey -- to improve our journals

  • 1.  We need your help to fill out the survey -- to improve our journals

    Posted 04-05-2023 10:16

    Dear Colleagues -  

    I am grateful to many of you who are helping me to serve on the EIC search committees for Management Science, Operations Research, Service Science, and Tut. in OR. 

    To ensure our journals serve our community and create intellectual and practice impact, I need your help to fill out the surveys.  Your inputs are essential for our search committee to discuss with candidates so that future EICs of these journals can serve you better.  Meanwhile, we have two surveys that we need need you to fill out for MS and OR as requested.

    With your help, our INFORMS journals will continue to thrive!

    Thank you,
    Chris Tang
    VP (publications of INFORMS)

    Chris Tang
    University of California-Los Angeles
    Los Angeles CA