INFORMS Open Forum

2021 MSOM Society Call for Nominations

  • 1.  2021 MSOM Society Call for Nominations

    Posted 02-03-2021 06:18
    Dear Members of MSOM,

    The current MSOM officers are soliciting nominations for the following MSOM officer and SIG chair positions for terms starting July 1, 2021.

    1. Executive Vice President / President Elect

    2. Vice President, Meetings and Communications

    3. Secretary / Treasurer

    4. Chair of Service Management SIG (2-year term)

    5. Chair of Supply Chain Management SIG (2-year term)
    6. Chair of Healthcare Operations SIG (2-year term)

    7. Webmaster

    Please use the survey link below to submit your nominations for the above positions. The deadline for nominations is Friday March 10.

    Atalay Atasu
    Professor of Technology and Operations Management
    Bianca and James Pitt Chair in Environmental Sustainability
    INSEAD, France