INFORMS Open Forum

INFORMS-ENRE Online Scientific Event - 16 December 2021 - Alberto J. Lamadrid & Mertcan Yetkin (Lehigh University)

  • 1.  INFORMS-ENRE Online Scientific Event - 16 December 2021 - Alberto J. Lamadrid & Mertcan Yetkin (Lehigh University)

    Posted 12-08-2021 13:27
    Dear colleagues,

    This is a reminder that our next ENRE online event takes place next week on Thursday December 16, 2021, starting at 15:00 GMT (UK time); see below for more details.

    Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested. For more information and recordings of past seminars, see

    We hope to see many of you at the event,
    Miguel Anjos and Lars Schewe


    16 December 2021 15:00-16:30 GMT (UK time) | Alberto J. Lamadrid & Mertcan Yetkin (Lehigh University)
    Meeting ID: 870 5043 2463, Passcode: ENRE2021

    Cooperative Approaches in Electrification of Public Transit Bus Systems (Mertcan Yetkin)

    Electrification of transit systems, within the scope of smart cities, plays a crucial role in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. From the perspective of a social planner, we study electric buses in an urban area coupled with power system operations. On the operational level, we co-optimize the smart grid and the transit fleet operation to provide ancillary services to the power grid during off-schedule times. We introduce two stochastic multi-period optimal power flow (OPF) problem formulations each providing a different set of recourse actions to manage the variable renewable energy uncertainty: ramping up/down of the conventional generators, or charging/discharging of the transit fleet. On the planning side, extending the deterministic formulation, we analyze various investment decisions by the transit party and the interactions with the existing power grid operations. We introduce several regulations for the transit party and analyze their effects on the cooperation. Given the recent momentum towards building smarter cities and electrifying transit systems, our results provide policy directions towards a sustainable future. Our study is motivated by a project with a large transit authority in California.

    Environmental Pricing Designs (Alberto J. Lamadrid)

    We study the problem of deriving financially adequate prices for trading a perishable commodity under a centralized auction with environmental considerations. Our model is based on an electricity market, with producers using conventional technologies with byproduct emissions; and environmentally clean producers subject to exogenous weather realizations, but lower emissions in production. For this purpose, we derive a new financially adequate market clearing pricing scheme. Unlike related financially adequate pricing schemes that only take into account the marginal market costs associated with market clearing commodity demands, the proposed pricing scheme also takes into account the marginal market costs associated with the market participants operating at maximum capabilities. The proposed pricing scheme allows to analyze the effects of environmental limitations in the market, as it internalizes, in the pricing signals, the costs or benefits associated with compliance of these limits by the market participants; and in particular, conventional technology producers including transit operators.

    Miguel F. Anjos, Ph.D., P.Eng., FHEA, SMIEEE, FEUROPT, FCAE
    President, INFORMS Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE)
    INFORMS VP International Elect
    Chair of Operational Research, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
    Schöller Senior Fellow 2020