INFORMS Open Forum

INFORMS ISS Officers Election

  • 1.  INFORMS ISS Officers Election

    Posted 08-18-2021 12:06

    Dear ISS Member:

    The term of the current ISS officers – DJ Wu (Chair), Jason Chan (Vice-Chair), and Yifan Dou (Secretary/Treasurer), will end this year. 

    According to the society bylaws (, a committee consisting of the past three chairs (Ramnath Chellappa, Ravi Bapna and Amit Basu) has to manage the election of officers for the next two-year term. We invite you to submit nominations for the three officer positions. 

    If you would like to nominate a candidate for any of the positions, please submit your nomination (including the candidate's contact information and a brief statement of why you feel they should be elected to the specific role) by email to, by September 10, 2021. Before nominating anyone, please be sure to confirm their willingness to serve in the specific role if elected. 

    Please note that to run for a position and/or to vote, you need to be an ISS member.

    Thank you.

    Ramnath K. Chellappa
    Ex-President, INFORMS ISS

    Goizueta Business School
    Emory University