INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Sessions Chairs at INFORMS 2023 -- Revenue Management and Pricing Cluster

  • 1.  Call for Sessions Chairs at INFORMS 2023 -- Revenue Management and Pricing Cluster

    Posted 02-21-2023 18:01

    Dear Colleagues,

    The Revenue Management and Pricing (RMP) cluster invites you to organize and chair a session for the 2023 INFORMS Conference in Phoenix, AZ ( We encourage a diverse set of topics across different corners of RMP related to behavioral revenue management, allocations, pricing, choice modeling, sharing economies, learning/MAB, mechanism/market design, and online algorithms. In terms of practical scope, we welcome a broad range from more empirical research related to the practice of revenue management, to theoretical research topics related to design and analyzing market algorithms and systems.

    As a session chair, the role includes putting up a 75-min session of 4 speakers and coming up with a title or theme for the session. Inviting one or two co-chairs to share the workload is also possible. Note that INFORMS restricts each speaker to only one presentation, so if you decide to organize a session, we recommend assembling your session earlier.

    If you are interested, please provide the following information,

    - The tentative title of the session

    - The names and emails of the session co-chairs

    and send it to the RMP Cluster co-chairs over email by March 5:

    Ningyuan Chen (

    Daniel Freund (

    Rad Niazadeh (

    We will respond to your request by March 14. Please keep in mind the following important dates:

    • March 5: Proposal emailed to the organizers
    • May 2: Deadline for session chairs to submit presenters
    • May 16: Deadline for presenters to submit abstracts
    • August 1: Speaker registration deadline

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Ningyuan, Daniel, and Rad.

    Daniel Freund