INFORMS Open Forum

Assistant position at department of control science and engineering, Tongji Uninersity, Shanghai, China

  • 1.  Assistant position at department of control science and engineering, Tongji Uninersity, Shanghai, China

    Posted 10-20-2016 01:52

    The Department of Control Science and Engineering at Tongji University seeks candidates for Assistant Professor beginning 2017. The candidate must have a PhD degree in a related field at the time of employment.

    The department emphasizes both high quality research and teaching. Faculty duties include research, teaching at graduate and undergraduate levels, and other related tasks.

    The department welcomes candidates with a strong fundamental background in one of the research fields: Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, statistics or data analytics, etc.

    Application documents include (1) a cover letter describing academic qualifications and experience; (2) a detailed curriculum vitae; (3) a statement of research and teaching interests. The documents should be electronically sent to no later than Nov.15, 2016.

    Information about the university and the department can be found at

    Li Li
    Tongji University