INFORMS Open Forum

Associate professor of operations research within maritime transportation at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • 1.  Associate professor of operations research within maritime transportation at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Posted 06-30-2016 09:32
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    The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in operations research within maritime transportation. The position is part of NTNU's strategic focus on young, ambitious, and excellent researchers (the “Onsager fellowships”) and is financed for 6 years. After this time, it is expected that the candidate will obtain full professor qualifications and permanent employment at the department.

    The successful applicant will have a strong interest in operations research and a PhD that reflect this interest from operations research as well as mathematics, computer science or economics. Documented knowledge from the areas of marine technology and/or shipping economics is an advantage. Applicants must document excellence in research during and after completed PhD, be goal-oriented and able to deliver results when expected. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and creative problem-solving abilities are required.

    We can offer:

    • A position with duties primarily related to research (70%), as well as some teaching/administration obligations (30%).
    • A start-up package, including a yearly research fund of NOK 100,000 for the first four years.
    • Two PhD positions to build up a research group (one PhD when starting the position and one PhD after approximately 3-4 years).

    Please see the following link for more information and application instructions.

    Henrik Andersson
    Norwegian University of Science & Technology