INFORMS Open Forum

Relabel Operations Research as DI, Deep improvement

  • 1.  Relabel Operations Research as DI, Deep improvement

    Posted 06-26-2016 12:29
    Edited by Mark L. Stone 06-26-2016 12:35

    I propose Operations Research be relabeled as DI, Deep Improvement.

    The name Operations Research focuses on process, i.e., Operations Research.

    It would be better to focus on the results, Deep Improvement.  Whether that be cost, profit, risk, military outcome, societal benefit, or whatever. 

    Any modeling or decision approach or framework, tool, or technique which supports deep Improvement would naturally fall under DI, and that includes everything under the legacy O.R. banner. DI would rightfully reclaim its position as top dog. Everyone wants deep improvement - they don't care how they get it, but that's what they want.

    This post serves as a follow-up to the thread Topic: Should We Re-Brand Operations Research?  It was inspired, and builds on, a comment by Jean-Francois Puget at Why Operations Research is still which he wrote "I am in awe to see how connectionist people (those working on neural networks) remarketed themselves 10 years when they coined Deep learning. All of a sudden, decades old algorithms were seen as the latest innovation. It would be great if we were doing the same for OR."

    Mark L. Stone
    Deep Improvement Expert