INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  What is INFORMS role?

    Posted 05-11-2014 08:38
    This is an edited compilation of a discussion I started on LinkedIn about INFORMS.  (sorry, but it is a little long)

    I often speak to organizations about analytics.   Sometimes at conferences...   Sometimes it is prompted by the media recognition UPS has achieved on our Technology and analytics.

    We are actually gaining customers because they see us as thought leaders. I meet with customers regularly and tell them about our technology.

    To tie this back to the thread, I'd like some feedback on something that happened to me recently. I was interviewed on video by Supply Chain Brain. They asked about our technology and analytics.

    The correspondent closed with a question about what I thought were best practices for Analytics. Off the top of my head I said:

    1) Analytics must be built into processes - People need to see that systems, tools, methods, and Analytics are all one in the same. Seemless

    2) Support Change Management - Analytics (usually) will require change. People will do things differently than before. Leaders will need to communicate, educate, communicate, educate.... There must be top down support and understanding

    3) Create new metrics - To support the change, conversations in the morning must change. This means new metrics that are tied to true improvement.

    4) Bring in the right people - Analytics requires highly skilled individuals who know how to find the forest from the trees.

    Is INFORMS a place for those less mature organizations? Can we teach them how to get the gains and promise of our profession?  Can we help them make the right connections?

    Remember, we are in the minority. Most organizations are not mature in their use or understanding of analytics. I have seen it first hand. They want to grow, but are unsure how.

    I see this as a challenge and opportunity.

    For full disclosure, after I said number 4, I mentioned INFORMS multiple times on camera. I said to join INFORMS because INFORMS is made up of 10,000 of the best minds there is and can help make the valuable connections.

    I don't know if you all would agree with my 4 items. It was off the top of my head...

    But the question is whether INFORMS can / should take on the challenge. Maybe the Analytics section is a place to send people who are "newbies" to INFORMS and Analytics.

    I've seen their hunger first hand. I hope we can feed it.   


    Jack Levis
    Director of Process Management
    Timonium MD