INFORMS Open Forum

WORMS Childcare Travel Fund (open to both men and women) - Sept 4 Application Deadline

  • 1.  WORMS Childcare Travel Fund (open to both men and women) - Sept 4 Application Deadline

    Posted 08-04-2015 10:49

    WORMS Childcare Travel Fund (open to both men and women)

    The Women in OR/MS is proud to help students, post-docs and early career professionals with child care costs when attending the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

    The Women in OR/MS Childcare Travel Fund will partially reimburse recipients for up to $200 in costs associated with care for children age 12 years or younger traveling with a parent who is participating in the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Approximately five grants will be awarded each year, with the exact number depending on available budget.

    Recipients must be current members of the Forum on Women in OR/MS (WORMS) who are officially participating in the INFORMS Annual Meeting, including giving an oral or poster presentation, acting as session chair or participating in the Combined Colloquia. Eligibility is limited to current students, post-doctoral associates or early career professionals (e.g. junior faculty or professionals in their first five years of post-graduate employment) who are the parent or guardian of a child age 12 years or younger who is also traveling to the conference. Up to $200 in expenses will be reimbursed upon submittal of receipts to INFORMS staff to cover costs such as travel (transportation, accommodation or meals) for the child, travel (transportation, accommodation or meals) for the child’s caregiver, or payment of childcare services or suitable day-camp program in the conference environs. At most one grant will be awarded per family, and priority will be given to those who have never received the award in prior years.

    Application Procedures:
    Applications are due September 4, 2015. Applicants should email Courtney Biefeld with the following information:
    1. Subject line should be WORMS Childcare Travel Fund
    2. Statement of need (not to exceed 200 words):
         a. Why is attendance at this conference important to you?
         b. Are you giving an oral or poster presentation, acting as session chair or participating in the Combined Colloquia? (Please provide the title of the presentation, session or Colloquium you are participating in and your role.)
         c. Why do you need childcare?
         d. Why are you requesting travel support?
         e. What childcare do you plan to arrange?
    3. Estimated childcare budget, including travel costs for child and/or caregiver and childcare expenses.
    4. Statement verifying applicant’s eligibility from applicant’s department chair or supervisor.

    The President, President-Elect and Past-President of WORMS will appoint the selection committee from amongst the officers of WORMS. The selection committee will assess the applications based on their stated need for travel support. Recipients will be notified by the selection committee no later than September 18, 2015. Recipients should submit all receipts for reimbursement to Courtney Biefeld no later than 30 days following conclusion of the conference.

    Childcare must be arranged by the parents. INFORMS and WORMS are not responsible for identifying caregivers and are not liable for any damages.

    Guzin Bayraksan
    Associate Professor
    The Ohio State University
    Columbus OH